Reviews for My world built of darkness
Pokemon emerald chapter 3 . 1/31
My family in a nutshell
lightasafea chapter 3 . 11/16/2019
Do continue this! I like reading special stories like these!
KikuHonda124 chapter 3 . 5/5/2019
I really like this story so far. It's really hard to find stories about Japan being blind. And your writing is spectacular! Any way, you were asking for suggests if I read correctly? What if America told everyone Japan's secret and Japan doesn't know until the next world meeting?
CoveTPeng chapter 1 . 5/24/2017
Another job well done :D I'm really starting to fall in love with your stories (I really like the East Asian family a lot [especially Japan, and maybe HK too because I'm from there XD]), going to continue onto the next chapter now XD
Cyber-Kanochi chapter 3 . 5/6/2017
Sephiroth Cresent-Valentine chapter 3 . 9/15/2016
Can there be a world meeting where now all the Asian countries form a mob around Kiku the whole time and its revealed to the other nations.
Adhara Raine chapter 3 . 9/4/2016
I like! Good job. I'd be interested in reading what would happen if he got his sight back, perhaps when the last people directly affected by the bombings have passed away, so the pain of the tragedies have lessened enough for Kiku's sight to improve? And everyone's reactions when he suddenly can see again? Maybe he wouldn't have perfect vision, but improved enough to see colours and blurry shapes, so he'd need glasses? Oh, if you decided to write that, maybe a scene showing what you think would happen if his siblings bright him to the optometrist and tried to help him choose glasses, and whatnot. I think it would be fascinating. Do you think you would write that?
Guest chapter 3 . 6/14/2016
CUUUUTE! Love this story! I'd like to imagine Japan gets his sight back when Hiroshima and Nagasaki are repaired - just for my heart's sake. Love the Asian family. Japan is literally my favorite character. A story with both cannot go wrong! Really liking your work :)
Jean chapter 3 . 3/29/2016
I just can't help but feel so happy with Japan hugged by his family! Okay four ideas!
1) Japan still has nightmares about the bombs and while sleeping he has a nightmare and it dosen't help when it's a storm with lightening. He hallucinates and relived his experience of the bombings.
2) what if those people that China argued with and Hong Kong set off the fire crackers wanted revenge? If their shop was close due to that incident and hunts them down, to find them with Kiku. Kidnapping him. They go on a rescue mission only to have that fail and Kiku having his fighting spirit return and fight! Blind or not!
3) The axis still meet... So how will Jpan deal with his blindness? Italy give Japan advice that basically startles everyone for Italy to have an experience and how he uses sonar... Whatever bats use to find their prey.
4) We all know that Japan has earthquakes. Maybe while family is visiting, an earthquake happens. Once that ends, the tsunami comes in and Japan is swept away. Being alone, injured, trapped and blind, Japan finds a way to survive until someone can find him. When help finds him, he discovers while at the hospital that his sight is slowly returning to him. (I want Japan to regain his sight, slowly but surely. Like since the bombs gave off radiation, that could be the problem to his blindness and the water is slowly but surely wash some of it away).
Kuroi chapter 3 . 3/24/2016
I love all your stories! I can't wait for more!
Land of Stories and Randomness chapter 3 . 3/17/2016
Awesome story!

Idea: the axis ( and the allies you choice to add them) are confused by why Japan is always holding the hand of one of his siblings and always around them and get suspicious. After a few incidents he has to tell them. Bonus for a sobbing Italy crying about how his friend will never be able to see pasta again :)
Olivia Kirkland chapter 3 . 3/14/2016
I really like this and I hope him and America can talk it out
fanfictionfanatic42 chapter 3 . 3/15/2016
People keep suggesting things where Kiku gets lost and the others have to save him...But I feel it would be interesting to think about a situation the other way around; Kiku has to rely on himself to get the others out of danger. Just an idea I thought was interesting.
I really love your oneshots! I'm enamored with the characters and how perfectly unique they all are. You do well with making them sound differently whenever they talk. Keep up the great work!
FlamingFyre chapter 1 . 3/9/2016
*Le Cry*
TheBlueAcid chapter 3 . 3/10/2016
It surprises me that I haven't reviewed on this yet, seeing as how I've been following it since like the hour after you posted the first chapter. xD
But I loved this chapter! Your portrayal of the relationship between Japan and Taiwan is simply beautiful. :D (and I agree with the guest reviewer below. Visiting Greece and his cats is a cool idea.)
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