Reviews for Spark
AfricanChieftess chapter 38 . 2/7/2018
This was a lovely read! Thank you for writing it!
dragonfox123 chapter 1 . 4/19/2017
Awesome chapter and plot and amazing idea
Guest chapter 38 . 3/27/2017
It's beautiful! Glad to have read this before S5. So many things to look forward to! Thank you.
basketsarah120 chapter 18 . 3/15/2017
Like your story so far. Yes, I love Legends of Tomorrow. Snart and Rory were my favorite characters on FLash and Legends. It's why I started to watch Prison Break.
Clarebella chapter 38 . 9/19/2016
Awesome story!
amrawo chapter 38 . 7/20/2016
I absolutely loved this story! It was just as fun as the show! I just got into Prison Break, watched it all in two weeks, and this is The perfect happy ending I wanted! Though I can't wait till season 5 :)
SboshField chapter 38 . 7/17/2016
ohhh Lord dat was beautiful . I'm happy n sad at de same tym , I hope de writers give us a beautiful ending lyk dis one . I luv how u included stuff from the show lyk lj n Linc building a house and Mike n Sara talking abwt de abuse lol yeah even Linc n his tounge thing n Sucre n his many cousins ...ur a brilliant Writer plsss plssssss write anada Misa fic plssssss...Lol even if it's reposting Swimming Against The Tide ''my fav AU fic of ol tym '' or dat WIP u removed after a few chapters on de other site I think it was called Twin Surrender or something lyk dat plssssss m obsessed wit yo writing plsss. Thank u so much for posting dis here it truly is one of de best post series fics I've eva read.
xoElle23 chapter 38 . 7/16/2016
But- but now what?! What am I supposed to do with my life? I can't even explain how much I adore you and this story. Your writing has brought me true joy, for which the only words I can extend are thank you. You are an absolutely brilliant, gifted storyteller and a great friend. I hope we can stay in touch, whether it be on here or elsewhere- I'm on Twitter with the same screen name! Phenomenal job. Brava. And just for the record, I think Michael's use of his own name for the kid was telling enough. MJ it shall be! Never stop doing what you do. The world needs your words. Hugs and love. ~Lo
Grey17 chapter 38 . 7/15/2016
What an accomplishment! You should be so proud of this story. I loved every word. Hope to see more from you soon! -Gina

P.S. Is it spring 2017 yet?
xoElle23 chapter 37 . 7/4/2016
YAAAAAAAAAY! I'm so sad it's almost over, but damn this has been one hell of a ride. You truly are a phenomenal storyteller, don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Loved this chapter. The legal stuff threw me a bit- reason 1363527 I will never be a lawyer, but I still adored it. Especially LJ and Ben ditching the suits and requiring proof that Sucre was a good guy. Bravo, girl. Seriously.
SboshField chapter 37 . 7/4/2016
yaaaaaay !finally dey r free...still sad dat de fic is ending. ur such a brilliant writer
Grey17 chapter 37 . 7/3/2016
This is a masterpiece. Plain and simple.
BlackxValentine chapter 37 . 7/3/2016
Dang it, this story is so amazing. I love it to pieces... But you already know that. The way you write the characters is perfect, and I love how you don't exclude anyone. Everyone has a part to play.

Also, I know I've said it before, but I must say it again. The scenes you write between Alex and Felicia make my fangirl heart explode with happiness, I love that she holds him while he thinks back on his Cameron. I love how she stays by his side, despite his many flaws and the murders he committed in the past.

I'm so sad to see this is ending, but I'm hoping that there will be more stories from you in the future. I look forward to the new season, and can't wait to hopefully talk about it with you once it premieres. There aren't nearly enough hardcore Prison Break fans on this site, at least, not a lot that I've come across. :)
CrackedUpVAMPIRE22 chapter 36 . 6/26/2016
Yes! I hope they all get off, and then they can live happily ever after! I love this story so much though I hope there are a lot more chapters left :)
xoElle23 chapter 36 . 6/25/2016
I don't even know where to start. How hard it was for Alex and Sucre to leave, yet they knew they had to because they had to follow the plan. Lincoln's OUTRAGE at Michael and their heart to heart- that was one of my very faves. Because it perfectly summed up pretty much everything about them and was one hundred and ten percent in character, proving why, as much as I adore MiSa, Michael and Lincoln have the best chemistry of the series. And the end! I don't think Todd has always been an asshole. But I do believe for a while he became one. And maybe he still might be. But his story is proof that people can change, and they can change BACK. Even if he'll never be a solid good guy, I don't think any of us are. We all have good and bad inside of us. It's about which choices we make and which paths we choose to follow- that's what makes us into who we are. And Todd's choices, especially the most recent ones, say a lot.

Sorry, I'm getting way too sentimental and cathartic. This is why I shouldn't read certain books when I'm emotional.
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