Reviews for Out of the Way
Brendalwood chapter 16 . 11/1/2019
Amazing. I love your stories! Just enough of everything.
Kimesita chapter 16 . 4/18/2019
Great story! This could totally have been on the show! Well done:)
Laineyvb131 chapter 1 . 8/10/2018
I just read all of your stories in about a day and a half! You are a brilliant writer and have captured the characters’ personalities so well- and the emotions and drama are fantastic.
Spamez chapter 16 . 10/1/2016
This was crazy tense and nerve racking, but incredibly written. I really love your stories
omishiloh chapter 16 . 6/20/2016
Ohhh, if this were a real episode, I'd be bawling. I can't imagine the relief all three felt at seeing Stevie home again!
Deb chapter 16 . 5/25/2016
Brilliant. I could so easily imagine your fanfic being an actual story line in the show. Keep up the writing and I promise the readers will come. I know I
ditzie-blonde chapter 16 . 5/21/2016
Just read this story, good plot and I could see Stevie doing something like this. Doing charity work was actually pretty smart as she would've had to grow up, the not telling anyone bit though was childish. Would have been nice to see Jason's and Alison's reactions though, but overall well written and interesting plot.
Athena121 chapter 16 . 2/26/2016
Wow. This was quite a journey! Good work tying up all the loose ends. :) I enjoyed your story very much, and look forward to another one soon. :D
Athena121 chapter 14 . 2/26/2016
This is going to be short, because like Elizabeth, I can't wait any longer! But, another good, strong chapter here!
Athena121 chapter 13 . 2/26/2016
This was completely adorable! :D I took my doll, Annie, to college too. The little things really do make a difference, and I'm glad Stevie has Snowbunny. :)
Athena121 chapter 12 . 2/26/2016
Ok, so I know I was pretty adamant about the White House being looped in for "reality", but suspending disbelief on this one, your conclusion here worked very well for the scenario. :) Also, the sit room scene was just awesome. Again, you do a good job showing instead of telling, which makes this way more interesting to read!
Athena121 chapter 11 . 2/26/2016
So, I'd just taken a large gulp of tea when I read about Liz's response to the Burke problem. I pretty much lost it over the image in my head of Daisy's and Blake's reactions. Thanks! :) Isabelle! Yay!
Athena121 chapter 9 . 2/26/2016
I can't believe I didn't notice it until you mentioned it, but you're right! Blake totally has a "Russel Jackson is here unexpectedly" look. The scene between her and Russel is perfection. :) Also, I like that you're bringing in Admiral Hill, her character has been under used and, I believe she's now out of the show entirely?, but I think the dynamic of having her as the Head of the Joint Chiefs and Elizabeth as Secretary of State was an interesting one. One I wish the show had pursued further. So, I'm glad you're doing that.
Athena121 chapter 7 . 2/25/2016
Ohh, this is a good plan, and totally out of the box! So, good thinking (you, and Elizabeth)! :D I'm not sure you made a case for Jay being disrespectful, or even overly pushing the limits of dissent because it is his job and she hasn't completely explained her plans, so he's making sure it is fool-proof. Jay wants to save people just as much as his boss (well...ok, not less than Mom in this case, lol) but he also needs to be sure this isn't some cockeyed plan made by someone who isn't totally in her right mind. The last line of this chapter is completely spot on. Also, while I hadn't thought of it, I'm rather ok with Nadine thinking of Elizabeth as 'Elizabeth'...not sure why though.
Athena121 chapter 6 . 2/25/2016
Again, me being nitpicky, I feel Admiral Hill would have been briefed on the situation before arriving in the Secretary's office. Washington is a small town, even if the names of the hostages hasn't been released, likely everyone knows there's a situation. Other than that, this was well written. I liked the first scene with the office brainstorming and being confused by Elizabeth's sudden idea! You also did a good job explaining why the African Union isn't involved, and made it believable.
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