Reviews for Project Red Code Freelancer
GaMaHoLdReNd chapter 64 . 9/29/2019
Here's a pitch for a reaction fic that I hope someone could take. Rather than a cosmic entity kidnapping everyone as ususal, What if, as a last resort to get a finished movie to replace his screwed one by his own awful demanding choices and (to a lesser extent) time travel, and in the cheapest and fastest way possible, Jax asked Dylan for a copy of all of V. I. C.'s footage from the Reds and Blues time on Blood Gulch (aka, The Blood Gulch Chronicles Season 1-5 Compilated) (which she got to see and i suposse get in season 15 ep 2) and after editing it, decided to first screen it on Chorus, because he needs lots of good receptions fasto if he wants to get an equallly big amount of incomes to cover-up his eccentric costs, promoting it as "Their Heroes Never Seen Before Origin Story STARRING THEMSELVES AS THEMSELVES, or something like that". The thing is that the Reds and Blues, accompanied by the Freelancers (with a slightly more stable Wash, let's say he thinks he has the same age he had before being recruited to Freelancer, and he knows the guys and Carolina are friends, at least acts as juvenile as in Season 9 flashbacks) are invited to the premiere (actually doing a solid to Jax, considering they were kinda part of the reason his original movie crashed, to make the whole "THEMSELVES AS THEMSELVES" part of the promotion more credible), and now they are not only forced to react to their awkwardly hilarious, and otherwise bitterly sweet memories, but as well to the expectations and reactions of the whole population of Chorus, you could even add Locus in disguise and the rest of Project Freelancer (if you really think they are alive as some theories say) or at least the Triplets and their Insurrectionists (by the time of S14).
Speaking of which, as a sequel, you can say that V.I.C. , instead of dying as he wanted, became kind of like the equivalent of Marvel's The Watcher for the RVB Universe (aka. my headcanon of how does he talk and present to us Season 14), only that just watching won't do, and after the success of "RVB: Blood Gulch. Their Heroes Never Seen Before Origin Story STARRING THEMSELVES AS THEMSELVES", he thought, hey, give the pueblo what they want, compadrino, and let's get nuts: footage of everything that came after and before that, related to the Reds and Blues (each following arc story "Recollection", "Freelancer", "Chorus" "Multiverse 14" and "Shisno"). Throught Jax, he mades a deal, V.I.C. gives him all footage aforementioned, with the condition that V.I.C. would fully edit and -RodSterling-narrate in exchange at least one of the movies by choice the way however he wants (aka. Season 14) no matter how controversially counteractive to one specific favourite demographic target might be ("Club" "Call" and "Consequences" starring Chorus equivalents of Space Hitler, Locus and Felix). I say, it could be fun. Who's interested?
By the way, love this fic, keep it up and good luck!
BraveSeeker3 chapter 60 . 12/3/2017
It was nice to see Niner getting in on the action!

I can see a little bias towards the Reds, but honestly? I can totally picture them kicking butt in paintball matches.

As for what to see them do. . . Is there more story time coming up?

Lovin' this,

BraveSeeker3 chapter 59 . 11/28/2017
SNAFU. An acronym for "Situation Normal All Fudged Up". Perfectly describes these guys.

Caboose logic. . . Making sense. Oh well. It happens.
BraveSeeker3 chapter 58 . 11/28/2017
Niner. . . . Just accept the madness. It's better for you.

And what Dex said at the end is really true!
BraveSeeker3 chapter 57 . 11/28/2017
Corner Guy. . . Slightly better then Mysterious Blue Guy. . .
BraveSeeker3 chapter 56 . 11/28/2017
Poor Doc. But seriously, he needs to learn. Heck, I'm not a medical practitioner and I know what an aorta is! Which is a kind of artery! It's nice to have a mom who's a nurse!
BraveSeeker3 chapter 55 . 11/28/2017
Hahaha! Mr. D! Dionysus! Woo!

Marley, you just signed the Director's death warrant. Or extreme pain warrant.
BraveSeeker3 chapter 54 . 11/28/2017
Yes. She's coming! And there's nothing you can do to stop her!
BraveSeeker3 chapter 53 . 11/28/2017
This is where the crazy starts. . .
BraveSeeker3 chapter 52 . 11/28/2017
Gamma exploring Grif's mind. . . Huh. Well, Epsilon's got a nickname! And so does Alpha!
BraveSeeker3 chapter 51 . 11/28/2017
So. . . Tex went on a rampage, and now she knows that Alpha-Church knows some of what he used to know. . . Slightly confusing!
BraveSeeker3 chapter 50 . 11/28/2017
Epsilon in a mongoose. . . ! Ah, that brings back memories.
BraveSeeker3 chapter 49 . 11/28/2017
It's getting pretty late, so this'll probably be the last chapter I'm reading tonight. . .

Buuuuut. . .

"We done goofed up."

BraveSeeker3 chapter 48 . 11/28/2017
It /almost/ sounds like they need Locus Pocus and Felix McScouty. . . Wouldn't that be a roar!
BraveSeeker3 chapter 47 . 11/27/2017
"We've done goofed up" What an understatement.

Oooh, cliffhanger! Dun dun duuuun!
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