Reviews for Meddling of a Mischief Maker
GakuenAlicefan27 chapter 1 . 19h
My jaw dropped while the Sidhe was part about Harry's soul having been kicked out and Voldemort's getting inside the souless body was a stroke of genius.
Guest chapter 27 . 7/8
Great story so far. Plz keep writing more. Thank you.
popecatapetal chapter 27 . 6/15
I know that it’s unlikely that this will be finished, given that it’s five years since the last installment, but I just wanted to let you know how much I love this story. I’ve been a fan of your work for years - I adore Again & Again and Rebirth for the marvelous job you do in humanizing the Dark Lord, and your writing style, dialogue and pacing are always compelling. I’m not sure how I missed reading this fic before, but I just devoured it over the last few hours, and it’s absolutely wonderful. So thank you.
Dean Brooks chapter 27 . 6/11
This is amazing and one of the cutest Harry x Tom fanfictions ive come across. Please update ASAP i would love to know more.
The fanfiction is well written, well plotted, well characterised, well developed and overall amazing and needs WAYY more credit and attention than it has gotten so far.
Please update. I would hate for this fanfiction to be abandoned and i can imagine many others would be to but, i know writing stories is difficult and i have abandoned my own stories (on other accounts) so i cant say to much.
WickedBlue chapter 27 . 5/30
Can't log in at the moment, but I just wanted to let you know that I still really love your fic. I just re-read it after several years and it's still so good. Such a great storyline and so captivating. I wish you had kept writing on this, but I have my own fics that I never finished lying around in places, so I can understand that life happens and interests change. Hope you're ok though.
Bakanori chapter 18 . 5/1
That.. That was gold. O-O
goldenzingy46 chapter 11 . 4/4
Harry's question had me DEAD.
goldenzingy46 chapter 5 . 4/4

goldenzingy46 chapter 3 . 4/4
Sirius was okay.
He was dead, but he was okay

I'm cracking up
Evil-doer-in-a-prom-dress chapter 27 . 2/19
I really liked this story, it has a very interesting plot, and I thoroughly enjoyed what is currently written here. I hope you update this again someday.
Dontreallyknowtbh chapter 27 . 1/1
I do hope you still haven’t given up, this is a wonderful fanfiction I would hate to lose
nie.elena chapter 27 . 12/28/2019
It is an interesting story. I think you really hate Snape, but if you continue this story, maybe you change the role of Snape (it's strange, but I understand his hatred of Harry, and I think Snape can change himself if Harry had apologised to him after the situation with Pensive and try to explain, that he never told anyone what he has seen).
It is sad that you did not continue this story. First of all, I wonder how they dealt with Doubledor. And it’s not at all interesting about house-elves (this is just my opinion). Maybe Draco and Hermione would be a couple? (I don't like the Weasley, especially Ron, and I don't see him as a pair of Hermies.). Tomlin’s first steps in politics, the first reforms and the official union of Harry and Tom - it would be interesting.
Be that as it may, I read your story with pleasure. I liked the idea of changing and rejuvenating Tom Riddle. Thanks.
teenwitch18 chapter 27 . 12/24/2019
Absolutely fantastic story, I really appreciate how you handled Tom absorbing his horcruxes, as well as the fact that Harry is still attracted to him in Voldemort form
tiredtypingandtea chapter 27 . 11/25/2019
I knew this hadn't been updated in years when I started it, but ooooh that's so painful, cause you're such an amazing author! I absolutely adore this fic, just like the other ones of yours I've read. Worth reading even if it never continues.
Kaori Jade chapter 27 . 10/15/2019
Hello, j'espère avoir la chance de lire la suite et ...
Même la fin?
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