Reviews for My Dark Little Secret chapter 11 . 11/14/2019
Excellent Story! Hope there is more.
oliveoil4u chapter 9 . 10/29/2019
Such a Gentleman! I am proud of them. Ana does not let the alcohol cloud her better judgement
oliveoil4u chapter 8 . 10/29/2019
These two know how to play each other! Ana likes the slow burn. Chris loves the game!
oliveoil4u chapter 6 . 10/27/2019
Two control freaks that meet up and have paranoia!
I am enjoying this Ana. She can speak up for herself and she knows when there is danger!
CTHEWOODS chapter 11 . 10/18/2019
Hope she tells him and doesn't figure out he's been snooping into her background. Anything to make her QUIT running. Enough! Time for her to face her demons to Christian (at least) so she'll stop running every five minutes. You know she wants So do it Ana! Please, more!;)
Raewyn Katene chapter 11 . 10/18/2019
Love your story can’t wait for more updates please update on Facebook love to no the ending of this story
Guest chapter 11 . 10/14/2019
Love this. One of the best read at fanfic right now
Guest chapter 11 . 10/13/2019
Whew! I love it that Ana is resisting Christian. Not everyone is willing to pursue their emotions, some hate the idea of feeling, in fact. This Ana obviously has lots of scars, I hope we get to see Christian heal her!
FSOGFanFictionAddiction chapter 11 . 10/13/2019
I'm confused. Does she want to be a prostitute or is this an attempt to gain some control after her childhood trauma?
smills chapter 11 . 10/13/2019
Good chapter
Munkeyfump20 chapter 11 . 10/13/2019
Wow thanks for the very good read. I will look forward to the next instalments and links. Thanks again for the read. Please keep them coming.
smills chapter 10 . 4/28/2019
Good chapter
Twinder chapter 10 . 4/19/2019
So intriguing as to what is occurring between these two. I hope that they manage to get on the same page soon... Each wanting the other but afraid to act on that want! I love it!
sammyfl chapter 10 . 4/14/2019
Please update soon! I miss this story!
jm263 chapter 10 . 4/7/2019
I like both POV’s. I’m glad she decided to go ahead and talk to Christian because he seems really determined to have her. I hope they come to an agreement. Great chapter.
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