Reviews for All The Difference
GeordieLass chapter 11 . 4/7
This was delightful and I enjoyed every second. Thank you x
Guest chapter 11 . 2/2
Theses are all fantastic!
misszenobell chapter 11 . 1/12
Lovely addition to this sweet story. A joy to read! x
MinnesotaNice chapter 11 . 1/10
Somehow I'd missed this story altogether. I read it all in one go and it is wonderful. I love these glimpses of retirement for Chelsie - sweet, tender, endearing, humorous. All around wonderful. I'm looking forward to the next installment. Thank you for sharing!
Manygreentrees chapter 11 . 1/6
The Carsons are in a happy , relaxed place, in every way. It's good to see they have " moved on" from life in service, and see that being married to each other, sharing their lives together, is the fulfilment of their dreams, the foundation of their happiness.
I like how you've shown us Charles confiding to Elsie the fragility and vulnerability of his heart. She knows that, and so do we, but, in canon, he built a thick, high wall of duty and propriety round his , to protect his inner softness. Elsie's love for him has freed him to reveal his heart to her, even to others, the world, a bit, and he's so much more relaxed, able to enjoy lively little Bates boys, walks down the lane, kissing Elsie there, making love in the afternoon, taking tea in the garden.
And, Elsie, with her warm, loving heart, is free to love Charles as openly and deeply as she wished to for years. It says a lot for marrying the right person. It's been marvellous for both of them.
Thanks you for sharing this with us.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/6
suzie chapter 11 . 1/2
Hogwarts Duo chapter 11 . 1/2
This was absolutely lovely. I especially liked the image of them walking along the lane and talking about their dreams and how they'd like to spend the rest of the day. And, of course, "after" when they're enjoying the garden and their quiet time together, his head in her lap and her hair freely flowing ... just beautiful.
Chelsietx chapter 11 . 1/1
Bliss - pure bliss! I adore sweet, tender, domestic scenes of our favorite couple. Thank you!
chelsie fan chapter 11 . 1/1
I like this sweet little chapter. I’m sure the Carsons miss the Bateses - and the Bateses miss the Carsons and the Molesleys, for that matter. But they all have much to be thankful for and happy about. Life after Downton is good for all of them.
CSotA chapter 11 . 1/1
It’s so wonderful and precisely what I hoped for! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I love that you included the Bateses and gave us an update on the Molesleys, too. This is such a sweet chapter full of touching moments. It would be difficult for Charles to open up to anyone, but he knows his heart is safe with his wife - and always, always has been. I think that was my favorite part, although I wondered if you tucked the nod to Haxby in just for me.
Love it so much. Thanks, sweet friend. Xx
Good Bo chapter 11 . 1/1
Beautiful xx
TgrLady chapter 10 . 6/25/2019
My favorite chapter yet I think! :) This is too sweet - I loved the surprises and the secret location, but most of all I love Poirot and Beryl conspiring to end the day with a perfect dinner! *winks* :) Thank you so much for being awesome and sharing your stories with the Chelsie fans!
Guest chapter 10 . 3/7/2019
These chapters are beautiful! Please continue anytime the muse strikes you.
Guest chapter 10 . 1/26/2019
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