Reviews for A Stroke of Death
Guest chapter 4 . 8/31
The world has seen me as the Devil. As the Devil I kill those that get in my way. For they are weak and stand no chance. The Devil has returned." says Naruto as he leaps towards Zori.
Why’d he give a whole fucking speech he’s not some fucking edge lord just kill and get out
Guest chapter 4 . 8/31
Are you retarded? He just tells anyone who asks his task? The fuck
Guest chapter 3 . 8/31
First off you went from o Sensei asking Naruto-sama name to suddenly being his Sensei without a time slip or anything wtf and really? The golden devil cries because some random women says he’s not the son of some random man he never met? Wtf
Guest chapter 16 . 8/17
Story became trash
sammykordy10 chapter 17 . 7/29
Are you going to update this
Guest chapter 10 . 4/21
Está es la peor historia que he leído me preguntó que es este Naruto el "héroe idealista de mierda" o un anti-heroe bien chingón ademas para que carajos metes tantos flashback inecesarios es estos puntos me preguntó si careces de ideas para estar haciendo relleno del malo y para empezar por qué mierda pusiste el shipeo de Naruhina? Esa mierda ya e
thegrison chapter 1 . 4/18
Just NO. 2.3 mile kill shot is NOT possible with a single shot. It would be PURE luck. Each bullet is slightly different so the bullet rolation curve changes and at that distance a 1/4 rotation different means feet as in like 2 feet. At that distance the wind, heat from the concrete and road would be changing the air and be slightly different. More over long shots like that the target needs to be still for 10 seconds at least for a chance to be hit. There is a lot more as well but those 3 you said would have done that hit at about 1/2 mile at most unless that were forced to take a longer shot. Like some of the justice league been there.
Guest chapter 21 . 1/13
Yeah it’s officially dropped lol after Chapter 21 lol had potential but author ruined it... having now a bunch of male amazons love there and his life was vengeance but he doesn’t do anything because he’s a beta and all talk lol pathetic Mc yet again
Guest chapter 20 . 1/13
So sad :/ the novel was fantastic until the first born storyline taking forever and just made Naruto forgive and forget about his mother dying lol he should’ve killed every single one that was part of the raid for his mothers death but the author made a beta :/ shame the plot went way downhill
sammykordy10 chapter 1 . 7/4/2019
Are you going to update this
koseta.a chapter 2 . 6/16/2019
Lots of Grammer errors. As in at least one in each paragraph.
groverthegoat chapter 22 . 6/4/2019
phase diana out of the story. it's a great story but it needs to be reminded that the main focus is naruto not diana right now it's like 60% naruto 40% diana way to much diana
pyoson123 chapter 1 . 4/30/2019
This shit is trash af no one cares about the flashbacks or whatever the fuck it is. I like the first chapter then it turned fucking shit when you started adding characters from the Naruto verse, also why the fuck is he so fucking weak.
Born2BeGodLike chapter 17 . 4/5/2019
Who is this bastered on moon? Is it Tonei Otsutsuki?
Born2BeGodLike chapter 16 . 4/5/2019
Don't fully know what going on this chapter but like the action.
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