Reviews for Casting Shadows
geekqueen2010 chapter 9 . 4/17
I am extremely sad that this has not been updated in nearly 5 years! Please come back!
geekqueen2010 chapter 8 . 4/17
This fic is soooooooooo good! Alya doesn't know the real reason she's not quite so lucky is because Marinette is the true Lady Luck of their generation!
geekqueen2010 chapter 7 . 4/17
Shish, now Marinette is the one stuck in the carousel with Manon.
geekqueen2010 chapter 6 . 4/17
Adrien's efforts would be quicker if he simply told Fu his goals. Also, is Nino still gonna get akumatized?
geekqueen2010 chapter 5 . 4/17
But without proper training, how will Adrien decipher the book?
geekqueen2010 chapter 4 . 4/17
I'm hoping that Mari will have Adrien let Marinette recieve the magic in the test and other such objects they're gonna be collecting.
geekqueen2010 chapter 3 . 4/17
I kinda want her to feed him though since the poor boy is underfed. #feedAdrien2020
geekqueen2010 chapter 2 . 4/17
I really hope Marinette gets her own Champion too so she can also be a hero! She can name it Aden! Rip that our favorite chatton decided he needs to run into Marinette literally. Also, I'm just refering to the heroes in this fic as Coccinelle and Dude Noir. X3
geekqueen2010 chapter 1 . 4/17
lol, he named the Champion after Marinette without realizing it! A shame Marinette won't be getting her own Champion as well!
gleamqueen chapter 9 . 4/16
Man it's been nearly 3 years since the last update. Ngl this is an absolute gem. I love your writing skills! I genuinely hope that you will one day be able to complete this story because I will be greatly looking forward to it!
Daniel Letchford chapter 9 . 10/19/2019
please... come back to us...
lala32903 chapter 9 . 2/15/2019
and now we have a marinette who's basically 'the guy in the chair' to chat blanc and everything is good.
Cannot wait to see what happens next!
lala32903 chapter 8 . 2/15/2019
ok but when adrien said 'its a secret' I could only imagine him starting to sing THIS SONG BELOW to annoy stormy weather and it FITS and also adrien honey I am so glad you have marinette as an accomplice because you are going to get yourself super killed without her
lala32903 chapter 7 . 2/15/2019
oh geez ok things are getting intense! Mari the butterfly is proving to be very insistent, and Adrien is internally screaming probably!
I like the class dynamics and shy but sassy Nathanael is a good lad.
lala32903 chapter 6 . 2/15/2019
ok but like this is a good take on chat blanc! I love how adriens like 'this is my life now, doubling as an insane cat burglar with a magical butterfly in my head, might as well get used to it by CHUCKING MYSELF OUT A WINDOW' and alya and nino as a good combob for ladybu and cat noir! They're so cute! and then MARINETTE CONVENIENTLY FORGETTING THAT CHAT BLANC IS/WAS ADRIEN HOOOO BOY THATS GONNA GO OVER SO WELL WHEN HE COMES OUT OF THE 'AKUMA' CLOSET love it!
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