Reviews for Crimes of Passion
shayan chapter 13 . 7/27
this story is insane and I love it. I hope you find t he inspiration to continue it xx
themirrorminder.372259 chapter 15 . 7/9
This is SO SO SO SO SO well written, and so addictive. I'm literally on the EDGE OF MY SEAT! Gosh, I'm HEARTBROKEN that there are no more chapters for me to devour. ESPECIALLY know that Harry has discovered what happened to Hermione!? PLLLEEEEAAASSEEE post another chapter, even if its just an epilogue to wrap it up? A brilliant story like this deserves an ending!
Joycelima98 chapter 15 . 6/27
Oh, can't believe you gave up on this story. It's a masterpiece. I guess I've read more than 200 Dramione stories. I love your work so much. And it's sad it's incomplete. However, I understand. Hope one day you'll be able to come back. Thank you for writing 15 chapters. Your Draco is extremely interesting and deep. The emotion you've put in the characters is marvelous. One more time, thank you. And congratulations!
thorsx chapter 15 . 6/4
This is one of my favorite fanfictions. I do hope you still continue this story :)
JessicaImpossible chapter 15 . 4/22
Don’t give up:)
JessicaImpossible chapter 15 . 4/22
Please continue!
JessicaImpossible chapter 14 . 4/22
She’s the best.
JessicaImpossible chapter 14 . 4/22
Hermione is such innocent soul. So forgiving.
JessicaImpossible chapter 13 . 4/22
A little Malfoy girl.
JessicaImpossible chapter 13 . 4/22
Awwww a little girl.
JessicaImpossible chapter 12 . 4/22
Poor thing.
JessicaImpossible chapter 12 . 4/22
Poor Hermione. That Vivian troll!
JessicaImpossible chapter 11 . 4/22
Wished he tortured Bellatrix and that monster of a husband!
JessicaImpossible chapter 11 . 4/22
This was hands down best chapter so far!
JessicaImpossible chapter 10 . 4/22
Such a Draco thing to do!
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