Reviews for The Yuletide Prefabrication
hazelra7 chapter 1 . 2/7/2016
THIS MEANS WINE! LOLOLOLOL I cant even stand it, PERFECT Penny Line! GOD, that is classic!

HIDE THE PICKLE! LOLOL. I can't stand it. The banter is so great. I love your writing style. I have my new fav author. I love the wit you have with every line but mostly, how so completely IC you have your characters. I mean, its sweet shamy but still so just fricken perfectly IC. I wish I discovered you sooner. I am a fool who stay off FF.
THe best part of this story is how much Amy KNEW SHeldon. She knew his quirks, his likes and dislikes and happily accommodated them with love. I miss that in the show. I really do. Just so much here in one One-shot, I cant say how much I love this!
anon chapter 1 . 1/2/2016
sickeningly cute. omg I am dead. lol. love it. so adorable
QBMaja chapter 1 . 1/1/2016
That was very cute and funny. I very much enjoyed the interaction between Leonard, Penny and Sheldon in the first part. Sheldon trying to spread his stress out to others was typical and funny. I am glad for the others that he had realised that it was not working. Just imagine, if it would have... Penny's attempt to make him see that his birthday gift is something that he could give her more than once was priceless. So was his reply that he already did. Lucky Amy...
Amy's present was very thoughtful and I am glad that she was happy about Sheldon's in return. Then again, she must have had the most exciting week of her life with all the unexpected celebrations lately... Lucky Amy!
Thank you for this sweet story!
IDICGlyph chapter 1 . 12/28/2015
Yup. The Christmas pickle. A pair of socks or a nice scarf tend to be gifted the lucky one who finds it in the tree, depending which would best suit the recipient, of course.
This year my mother-in-law did a particularly spectacular job hiding the pickle, and it took quite some time to find it. Wowsers. Best time for anyone once they set about hunting through the ornaments was about 7minutes, a new record time, since typically it is between 1 and 2 minutes, even for the younger family members to locate it. Some folks gave up after 10 minutes, and even with hints needed another minute or two!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/27/2015
That was so adorable! I really like it :)
nibbler747 chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
I absolutely just love your stories. You wrote this story, it feels like an actual episode of the show. You captured all the characters perfectly. The scene with Leonard, Penny and Sheldon was hilarious. I love the gift that keeps on giving. ha ha.. And then all those days. I looked it up. Sounds like they've been keeping quite busy. I love that he's using all these obscure holidays to get a little nookie!

They're date was so cute. I love how considerate they were being of each other. Amy in knowing that splitting up the set would bother him, and being excited by sweet gift. Sheldon did well, and was thinking of her, which was so nice to see. I love the little chit chat during dinner. That also was so "them". Hide the pickle. ha ha... And I got dick in a Box running through my head.

Fabulous story as always! You are definitely on of my fave authors! Looking forward to you long one!
Cukeygirl chapter 1 . 12/24/2015
It was loively! And I really enjoyed how you had Sheldon use holiday gift giving as an excuse to have sex
SRAM chapter 1 . 12/23/2015
Sheldon and Amy spending Christmas morning playing "Hide the pickle", that was a funny ending. You wrote the characters very in character, I could just picture them acting that way in the show. The gift for Amy was great, of course she is going to feel happy, he spent so much time making a special gift for her that she would like, the gift was perfect. Nice holiday short story, thanks for sharing it.
pisquenta chapter 1 . 12/22/2015
Too much shamy feels...I don't think I'll make it to 2016
Guest chapter 1 . 12/22/2015
rx9872 chapter 1 . 12/21/2015
It was so sweet of Sheldon to come up with the Little House Lego idea. "Hide the pickle"! Hysterical. Looking forward to you next endeavor!
cajunghost chapter 1 . 12/21/2015
1) that Popping noise can get very irritating.
2) That leggo puzzle was great.
3) When she asked if he wanted to play hide the pickle I busted out laughing, LOL.
great job.
kimbee73 chapter 1 . 12/21/2015
I really enjoyed this.
I am sure she would love to play hide the pickle with him.
LOL...great job.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/21/2015
Sheldon sure know how to handle special day, his gift-giving skill is awesome! Such a great story! Wish TPTB steal an inspiration or two from this.
Kelly chapter 1 . 12/21/2015
It is so perfect! Sweet and thoughtful with a hint of sexy times. So glad to have found this cute lil' holiday fic! Thanks for writing it :)
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