Reviews for Not All Gifts Come Wrapped in Paper
MDRevolutionFan chapter 1 . 1/2/2016
Great story! Loved it! :D
I enjoyed how you brought Jeremy back - he was very amusing. lol
BassCharlie-SparrowHawke chapter 1 . 12/28/2015
First of all Jeremy :) he comes in second only to Bass. I really liked how good of friends Jeremy and Charlie are, and thank goodness Jeremy is trying so hard to get her out and about. I should have known that Jeremy was up to something and would have found a way to get them both at the party. I just love Jeremy, and he is good at manipulating these two. Bass having a stalker was hilarious I about died laughing when he was trying to hide behind Charlie.

I loved the twist that it was Frank that gave Charlie the necklace not Bass, but I did like the little hint of anger towards his comments to Charlie of course Frank is oblivious. Lol. I have to say though when crazy stalker lady show up after Bass and Charlie finally kiss was priceless. I couldn't stop laughing, and then Jeremy ends up comforting her OMG.

Then we get to the hot, yummy, sexy parts of this tasty fic, and oh my it was pure bliss. Best Christmas ever indeed.
Kggla chapter 1 . 12/23/2015
Really enjoyed the story. I like Jeremy's character also so nice to have him in it.
redbanker chapter 1 . 12/23/2015
Awwww! It turned out great. I loved reading this in it's entirety. Perfect job.
TexasRevoFan chapter 1 . 12/23/2015
This is great! I love the surprise that the necklace isn't from Bass-that would have been too easy, wouldn't it? I like how they finally got together, and the fact that Bass had a stalker, haha. The smut was great, as always. The Secret Santa concept is a fun one-I had considered writing an office Secret Santa with the Revo crew, so it was fun to read yours. Thanks for the great story! Merry Christmas!
driver picks the music chapter 1 . 12/23/2015
Omg this was perfect! Thank you sooo much this was everything I could have hoped for!
Jeremy was so great, you did such an amazing job on this.
I so needed this today, thank you so much for this awesome story :)
MrsRogers10 chapter 1 . 12/22/2015
Charloe Christmas perfection! I loved the naughty bits, and the return of Jeremy!
LemonSupreme chapter 1 . 12/22/2015
Oh how I wish there was a 'Super Duper Favorite Story' button. Because I would use that right now! I love this so much. Love the Jeremy and Blanchard parts. Love all the Secret Santa gifts and holy holiday smut, Batman! Loved all of it. -Lemon
hayj chapter 1 . 12/22/2015
Awww! This was wonderful, as are all your stories :) I do adore Jeremy and him acting like a three-year old matchmaker was priceless.
Charloefan chapter 1 . 12/22/2015
Love this! Amazing story. Merry Christmas