Reviews for A' creosa Maranwe
SeraphimGuardian chapter 1 . 7/29/2005
its awsome!i love it!please continue it!-
Kaminari chapter 1 . 1/14/2003
Ooooooooooh... interesting. *grin* I very much look foward to seeing what you will do next. This is one of the few LOTR stories where I honestly have NO idea what's going to happen next in the plot. Normally it's just "Aranin goes to Mirkwood... years pass... *"Jeopardy" music*... tada! Aranin's gorgeous, Legolas falls for her and they live happily ever after, fa-la-la-la-la."

However, this is not the case. (At least, I HOPE this will not be the case...) Your various OCs seems cool thus far (although I've hardly gotten a chance to know them) and the main character I predict to be very good.

Write more! Write more!
Seno chapter 1 . 1/9/2003
Well Katie-chan, I'm gonna flame you fer all I got...

juuuust kidding. You're right, this IS reaally cute thus far. Oh, and question, is Lionel an elven name, or did you just think that it sounded cool?

With that said, I have a bit of constructive critisism! *crown boos* oh shut up...

"There was, in fact, an eerie silence; nothing moved, there wasn't even a breeze to stir the young saplings that preceded part of the larger and more foreboding forest behind it." Good imagery here, but its just a *bit* of a run-on. Try to make it two sentences, it will probably read better.

I like ur use of elvish, and thx for putting the translations in there. I HATE when people are just, oh, and you can figure that out, k?

You might want to be a bit more descriptive about your elven peeps, I mean, i have NO CLUE what they look like, besides the whole sterotypical gender bit, yet I know pracically down to every last detail what Aranin looks like. Maybe you were planning on doing that later, or perhaps I'm stupid and missed it. I dunno.

Ok, I'd review more about how much I like it and how you NEED to update soon, but I've got a spanish oral to write and a book log.

Emerald Queen chapter 1 . 1/9/2003

Hmm, little babies/todlers being found seems to be getting popular. This is the third I've read today like this. It'll be interesting to see what happens. I like the names of the elves by the way.
