Reviews for Hope of Morning
jasouatfan chapter 2 . 5/26
They’re so adorable together. I hope they get their schedules to coincide
retrinazambrano chapter 2 . 5/7
Operation French Toast! Love it. Now i'm hungry. Wild Emma, hehe. Goodness me I am a such a sucker for domesticity like this. "you can't ignore the muse, mom" LOLLLLL such a typical 8yo-trying-to-be-an-adult thing to say. so i'm aware this probably won't be updated again, but i just want to say i really enjoyed what you've got here. i really enjoy your style. :)
retrinazambrano chapter 1 . 5/7
I've missed a good AU and I'm hooked from the first italicised quote. Wow, Regina really is having a bad day, and it makes sense that she can't sleep due to the goings-on of the day, seeing as she feels things so deeply. Poor Henry getting ill, but forget Emma, Robin is the saviour here!
Ashlyn drake chapter 2 . 12/31/2016
Please update. Really good
unremembered-sunsets chapter 2 . 11/19/2016
Perfect! This is so gentle and sweet. All the feels. The ending is so adorable, cute and endearing. I love your writing! Great work. :) I would love to read more.
wishesonfallenstars chapter 2 . 10/22/2016
I'm not sure why it's taken me so bloody long to getting around to reading this chapter, but it's brilliant. I loved the domesticisty of it all.
idoltina chapter 2 . 10/9/2016
I love the warm little dynamic of the different pieces of this family - as it exists and expands and adds. Emma's so wonderfully supportive here, and I love the way you've straddled that little line with Henry between wanting to be autonomous and being willing to be guided into things.

I am Outlaw Believer TRASH, so their interactions here made me WEAK - the spelling words and the breakfast cooking and all.

This was honestly just so warm and cozy and a perfect thing to read on a Sunday morning.
idoltina chapter 1 . 10/9/2016
This was such a quiet, poetic piece - really reflective of the way I imagine light changes around the time of day their interactions. All of the flashbacks to the dispatch call with Belle ihurt/i in all of the best and worst places. Belle is a personal favorite of mine, and the way you wrote the call made her whole situation so, so visceral in my mind. I was there with her in the bathroom, heart racing and hysterical, and it's painful - that sharp icrack/i - that we don't know what happens to her since Regina doesn't.

On a slightly happier note, I really enjoyed the way you captured Robin and Regina's dynamic here. You really struck a perfect balance between their teasing banter and the soft care and concern, and nothing felt too light or heavy between them given the gravity of what she's carrying around on this particular night/morning (WHAT IS TIME WHEN YOU WORK THOSE HOURS LOL).

One last thing I wanted to note was that I so, so appreciated the way you handled Robin's relationship with Marian here - and Regina's as well, and beyond that, that you gave Marian her own function and purpose. It's nice that she's living in this - particularly in counterpoint to the call Regina's carrying around - and that she has this really INTERESTING life outside of her relationship with her ex and her son. I adore that on so many stupid levels. I also appreciated that she's never been presented in FOIL to this simmering undercurrent of a romance between Robin and Regina. It lends itself well to it being less of an issue for her later on. And even in the wake of divorce and a surprise baby, I like that Robin and Marian are still cordial and warm to one another. I just. SO MANY WARM FUZZIES OKAY.
AmongstEmeraldClouds chapter 2 . 8/24/2016
Oh Goddddd this was so lovely! My heart melted with their making eyes at each other and their shoft touches and their kiss on ch.1?! OH MY GODDDDDDD
outlawqueenbey44 chapter 2 . 8/20/2016
Well this is adorable! I am so glad I saw it get recommended on twitter yesterday! Can't wait to read more!
OQForever chapter 2 . 7/14/2016
This is a great story, looking forward to your next update.
filmyfurry chapter 2 . 7/13/2016
This was a great chapter! I really enjoyed seeing how Robin is slowly fitting into Regina, Henry and Emma's little family. I loved the dynamic between the four of them very much. The little moment where Robin was jealous of their closeness was great because it was a realistic feeling to have. I adore the way you write and developed Regina and Robin's relationship in this universe and I can't wait to read more of it!
Lala Kate chapter 2 . 7/12/2016
Let me announce for all to hear: I love this AU to the moon and back! One of my favorites-so real and expertly written.
pt159 chapter 2 . 7/10/2016
That was really nice. Curious as to where this is going.
PhoebeSmilee chapter 2 . 7/9/2016
I love this story! XD
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