Reviews for Dreams
the lady ophelia chapter 1 . 3/14/2016
This was a lovely short fic. I love the way you portray the relationship between Leia and Rey. You truly have a gift. :)
Archaeologistof-theresistance chapter 1 . 2/17/2016
Though the scenes between Rey and Leia were very brief in The Force Awakens, I believe they will develop a great bond in Episode VIII and Episode IX, because the seeds of that were already planted in The Force Awakens. Leia will probably become a mentor to Rey, as will Luke. (Who is possibly her biological father.) But furthermore, I think the role Leia fills in Rey's life will be that of both a surrogate mother and a sort of an older sister. To me, it totally makes sense for their relationship to take those turns, because let's face it. Throughout the course of The Force Awakens, Han really was a father figure to Rey, but he's sadly no longer with us. I've become a sucker for Leia and Rey bonding fics, but I haven't really read too many of them. This was great, though! I loved it! Great job!
avada-matata chapter 1 . 1/18/2016
Aww Rey is so precious. And I love her relationship with Leia (what we have so far and in this fic)

And this is asuch a legitimate reaction to her trials on star killer base (and I am so glad it's not reylo)

Rey just deserves so much happiness and kindness and I love your brief portrayal of her
CatWingsAthena chapter 1 . 1/10/2016
This is very good. The depiction of Rey's pain and Leia's offer of support is excellent, as is the overall characterization-you've captured these women quite well. Thank you!