Reviews for Camera View
InsaneDutchGirl chapter 2 . 1/10/2016
Alright, first off, well done on updating so fast, readers love that (someting I gotta improve on, oops). I liked this chapter, this is where it's all going to start, isn't it?

Just a couple of things that reallly stood out to me this time. There isn't much description of the surroundings, which I kind of had suspected because of the camera view you're getting here. We know they're in a forest and that dawn is upon them (kuddo's on how you described that, with the light painting the picture and all). But that's about it. What kind of trees do we have, is it rocky, or mossy or whatever? You can hide hints in the surroundings of where they are. Forests in the North have mostly pine trees for example. Are their any animals, food around there? I don't know about anyone else but I really like to paint a picture in my mind of the new surroundings because it makes it easier for me to get drawn into the story. Something to think about?

Oh and I'm not sure but isn't the abrevation of microphone a mic? You wrote down mike and for some reason my brain got stuck on you meaning Michelangelo so that got me confused. Maybe it would be easier to either use mic or microphone next time.

Anyways, still love the interactions between the brothers and the way they take care of each other. Them handeling the situation they're in was very natural and felt right to me.

Please keep up the good work, this story has great potential and I'm one curious reader ;)

See ya!
p.s. I'm not a professional writer or anything. If you think my comments don't make sense, they probably don't, I'm not even a native speaker of english. Please know my commentary is only because I mean to help you and maybe direct your attention to things you haven't thought about.
InsaneDutchGirl chapter 1 . 1/6/2016
I really like what you're doing here. Never read a story like this before, even though you apparently have, and I think it's a very refreshing point of view. If you do this right, and I've seen a couple of occassions in which you did, you can build in a lot of suspense simply by using the limited point of view the camera gives.

That's why I love the ending in this one so much. We have a colour, a texture and an idea of what went over the camera and thus we have an indication of what happened to Mikey, but absolutely nothing more. That's what is giving this story it's personality and I like that a lot. I'm interested in how you're going to continue this and what else you can do with this point of view. Especially because you can't convey any emotions as it is a camera. The emotions and thoughts have to become clear by descriptions of the characters so I'm very excited for that.

From what I've read so far I have to say I really like what you did in character and even though the point of view is limited, you did an excelent job of writing a clear and coherent story. Love your writing, I didn't catch any mistakes (seriously girl, how do you pull it off?) and it's nice and fun to read. Can't wait to read what happens next!

See ya!