Reviews for Quicken
Anon chapter 2 . 4/30
Holy Hell, the sheer badassery of this girl. I'm surprised she didn't second-triggered from this shit.
Sebine chapter 11 . 2/12/2019
Goddammit why do all the good fics die young
ReadR13 chapter 11 . 10/2/2018
Interesting story, hope you continue it
blackswordsman2477 chapter 11 . 5/16/2018
plz continue
creativesm75 chapter 11 . 12/9/2017
oh boy. Sophia hess? this can't be good for them. Good writing
The Nachoman chapter 11 . 9/23/2017
Will, this story is interesting so far, and I hope it is not abandoned.
I know that, if it was me, I would have completely avoided the drama of the last day: I would have most likely not left the cemetery until I had talked to the administration and had them call the cops or PRT. But I guess that's why I'm more that twice Emma's age, and notably hard to shell shock.
Taylor's saying that her friend in school is called Sophia? That must be one interesting definition of the word "friend"...
The Nachoman chapter 4 . 9/22/2017
Highlander Emma!?
ShugoYuuki123 chapter 11 . 3/2/2017
Please update! Would really look forward to your next chapter and what Sophia and Taylor's 'friendship' is like
epain chapter 11 . 2/28/2017
This is an interesting story. What has Sophia been doing to Taylor?
anon chapter 7 . 1/23/2017
I actually thought that your Lisa was very well done. The character building was very in depth, and you've obviously put in a lot of effort. Lisa seems believable and quite realistic. Gotta say, I really enjoy this fic so far. It's probably one of my favourite worm fanfics, and one of the best alt!emma's out there.
Guest chapter 11 . 11/25/2016
It's no wonder Emma took so long to "come back to life." After all, she had been stabbed in the guts, bled to death, and then a mortician had crudely sewn all her mangled bits together so she was presentable and EMBALMED her. It probably took that long just for her power to heal all the damage the undertaker had done to her carcass (think about the fact that her lips and eyelids weren't sewn shut when she woke up, nor does she have frankenstein sutures all over her torso... her power had to dissolve all those stitches...)
Guest chapter 10 . 11/25/2016
She's in no position to judge her own sanity. She has spent the last subjective 36-48 hours literally going from one fight to the death to the next. She has suffered more pain and had more injuries inflicted on her in two days than a platoon of front-line soldiers would have seen in a WEEK... On top of the psychological horror of digging her way out of her own grave, finding out her family and home were gone, and coping with her own permanent mutilation... the trauma alone, from any one of these things, should have killed her with shock a half dozen times over. And until now she's had no time to sleep, decompress, or come down from her state of chronic battle-readiness. Even as she's speaking she should be keeling over, falling into a coma and dying- it's only her regenerative ability keeping her alive and functional. Whatever psychological state she's in is probably beyond the boundaries of human medicine, and makes PTSD look like a case of the sniffles.
InfiniteHaitus chapter 4 . 9/20/2016
this is a highlander crossover. oh my god
InfiniteHaitus chapter 1 . 9/20/2016
wow your summary does this no justice
Lola Smith chapter 9 . 9/15/2016
Is it bad that I laughed when they said she had earned Valhalla?
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