Reviews for Cancelled
Guest chapter 1 . 3/21/2019
Evil and selfish deeds get their proper retribution sooner or later.
I hope to see more stuff from you.
maybe post it on patiron as exclusive content?
just a thought.
Stay awesome. take care ba-bye!
SunglassesSkull chapter 1 . 1/13/2019
That's messed up. Sad to say that I didn't get a chance to read any of your work before this happened, but I still hope to see more of you in the future.
TheSadRealist chapter 1 . 12/12/2018
I am sorry for you, and Ik this may sound heartless...
but why the hell would you feel safe on the ficken internet?
I was brought up thinking that the internet wasn't evil, but that you were to be VERY cautious. So, if you ever end up reading this... know that "If you cannot see someone's eyes, then you cannot see their soul." Basically meaning that you must always be SLIGHTLY weary of people met on the net.
Ik that you have probably found this out already, and I hope that you will succede elsewhere. Good luck.
SweetDevil01 chapter 1 . 11/27/2018

Um, I am a reviewer who read your fanfic "Look What We've Become" and I'm also a fan who spammed your reviews for a tad when I read it at the time of. Ahem I actually just finished watching your video and I'm not only feeling really bad for you, but I'm also absolutely disgusted that I was one of her followers when reading the comic. Although you did tell us in the video we shouldn't choose side (which honestly, I'm sorry but I felt that was slightly manipulative to say after such an amazing argument) I can't help but be on your side. Honestly, I only read it because it was based on your story and I absolutely fell in love with how well you wrote it...this sounds petty, allow me to rephrase this. I...never felt as much of a heartbreak in approximately every chapter while reading a fanfiction, as I have in yours. I've rarely stayed up late into the night and early mornings to finish a fanfiction because it was that good. I can actually still remember every piece of devastation that I felt when I was reading your fanfiction, and I'm shattered that such an amazingly sweet and humble girl had to deal with such a terrible situation.

You are honestly so worth idolizing right now with how down to earth you are and what a hard worker you are- I know, I sound like I'm flattering and yes I'll admit, I'll occasionally flatter people because...I'm a girl who is slightly manipulative. But if there's one thing I'm good at even if I'm manipulative, I'm going to be brutally honestly and even borderline rude because I don't like playing those types of psychological games. Back to you, I really appreciate how you did go through such an effort to create that video, how you refuse to fall down to her level and I although feel deeply upset and frustrated that I didn't save your story so I can read it to go through a heart break during my own time, I do respect and understand the reasoning behind why you would do it. I am not a writer, I am not an artist, I am just a fan who knows what type of fanfictions she likes and appreciates. Hence I don't know the behind the scene stuff, but I know based on your video, the outfit, the professionalism, etc you probably took a lot of time filming that video too, a lot of your time that your not going to get back and I'm truly thankful that you did do that.

...there was one more thing I wanted to say but I just blanked so bad right now... if I figure it out, I'll log in as a guest or something and say it or message it to you personally but, I do hope one day in the future, you can restore your trust in some of us. Oh right, the trust factor, you probably don't trust a bunch of us who want to talk to you and support you and are a lot more weary of who you befriend, but I sincerely hope from the bottom of my brother's heart (because he has a bigger heart than me and I've been accused of not having one) that you will be able to make new friendships and bonds of unconditional trust. I sincerely do wish the best for you, and knowing myself, we probably won't be able to get along too well since my work ethic is a lot lower than yours- as in I don't work as hard as you, not I'm willing to cheat and scam someone else's hard work...although then again, high school me would definitely much rather cheat and get a good grade compared to learning the material and getting a bad grade...but that was high school me, not the current me. Ahem, continuing on, I'm not sure when you will see this, or if you will see this, but if or when you do, I would like to extend a hand for friendship...because according to my friends even though I have a mean streak and I'm bad at catching up with them, I'm still a good friend and my nonexistent heart is in the right place. If you do need an open ear, please feel free to message me, I will fangirl within for a solid 2 seconds once I realize who you are before being a genuine friend who means well but might do the wrong things I sound like I'm ready for gossip...I swear I don't mean it that way at all! If not though, I still hope you will find new people you can open up to and befriend!
Rara Erza Heartfilia chapter 1 . 11/7/2018
Oh my Gosh
Sidikat chapter 1 . 10/22/2018
You should report to Artists Beware as well to spread the word.
OreoBoreo chapter 1 . 10/24/2018
It seriously bums me out that you have to deal with all this drama. I'm glad you opened up about it though... I noticed parts of the comic seemed different from this, but I figured it was your decision, and not mostly hers. Hoping karma for how she's treated you gets back to her eventually.
BlueSeraphos chapter 1 . 10/21/2018
You should spread the word around ( if you have the time I mean, or I’ll do it after my exams are over but my accounts aren’t that popular ) to warn others of it. Utterly ruin her reputation so that she may never go anywhere on the internet without someone shaming her ( unless she changes her name. ). This story was really good, I’m saddened to know that you’ve been scammed like this. Would you mind telling us when the comic/novel comes out? I would love to reread it.
curiousitykills314 chapter 1 . 10/20/2018
Get her channel taken down. Destroy her professionally, so she can never do what loves for profit.
mayuralover chapter 1 . 10/20/2018
I'm sorry to hear this and I hope things turn out well for you in the future. Good luck and thank you for the memories n.n
Hadrian Peverell-Black chapter 1 . 10/20/2018
Such a shame I remember reading this story a while back and how you planned to adapt it in your later chapters. It was a truly heartbreaking story and was honestly quite excited when it got an update but this truly saddening, perhaps one day you will gain enough confidence to repost this story.
miraculous668 chapter 17 . 9/5/2018
I can't get through this entire story without crying to death! My eyes are so red and puffy, it’s not even funny! It was soooooo sad! I bet when my mom looks at me, she is going to be like “What the hell is wrong with you”! I still crying just thinking about what happened in the story! It’s soooooooo sad! I cry everytime I reread it!
flycoffee chapter 3 . 8/12/2018
I was listen to once part of time by bliss this when I read this chapter
So fitting so good
Ayechanit chapter 18 . 7/29/2018
Love this story! Are you going to release more chapters?
Guest chapter 18 . 7/27/2018
will you continue to write this? it's so good! i couldn't stop reading!
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