Reviews for Everything I am
Latarra chapter 1 . 3/5
Sweet story.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/8/2016
Made me cry, asshole
Sam chapter 1 . 1/9/2016
YenGirl chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
I really see more and more similarities between your Sherlock and your Severus Snape *smiles* Their minds are sharper than their respective lovers - not that your John and your Harry are lacking in brain matter *hides behind you just in case* They are also more observant, more cynical of human nature... and deep down, they are more vulnerable as well *sighs*

It just makes me glad Sherlock has John in his life after all those hints about his painful past. He really should have trusted his boyfriend with the truth, but we know how your Sherlock never thinks that is obvious enough until John tells him so *smiles*

In the meantime, we got to enjoy the nice angst that resolved into a happy ending for these two...! *smiles wider*
7440057 chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
"You know, I would love to kill whoever made you feel bad about your body and the way you see yourself,"
Well I hope he has enough ammos because he would have to kill almost everyone in our society. Ahahah. Most of us (but not all) have dysphoria because we learn from the craddle that « women are like this » and « men are like that » ; and « only women are like this » and « only men are like that ».

Anyway, what I wanted to say is, do you think you could continue this series without focusing so much on Sherlock’s transness ? Like… Every times I see a story where a main character is trans, absolutely everything is about the fact that they are trans. I don’t mind that cis authors use our lifes to write their stories but I wish we weren’t reduced to this one characteristic.
I enjoy the idea of a trans Sherlock (especially a non-binary one). Before I started reading this fandom I had never seen so « many » stories where the main character is trans.
I read most of your fics so I know what kind of stuff you write. It’s usually about people who have problems to communicate and then it’s so sweet we are going to have tooth decay. Just do the same. The only difference is that one of the character is openly trans and we have a line (or a scene or a chapter or a book, depends of the length of the entire story) about that from time to time (yeah I said openly because why on earth should we imagine than everyone is cis when the author didn’t specify). What I mean is… Write the same thing. But with a bigger story around it.