Reviews for If I Die Young
Nina chapter 16 . 4/30
I just read all of it in 1 day and it has been an intense ride! I really like your writing style and where you're taking the story! I loved how you included Jily's domestic bliss but I also love how you don't shy away form showing their conflicts, fights and troubles! The cliffhanger is painful and we're leaving them at a bad place, I hope they'll be able to conquer this trouble soon.
Smileyone1 chapter 16 . 4/29
The way you captured Lily and James here as struggling to overcome these intense feelings is nothing short of raw and beautiful. It is sooo skillfully done that I just can't believe it. Seriously. Reading anything you write is a true gift, and I'm so thankful you choose to share your work with us. Don't stress about time tables or pleasing everyone or fitting into a box. Whenever YOU'RE ready to share your work, then that's when you share it. People should respect that, and not add onto the pressure you're probably already putting on your shoulders time ten. : ) Really lovely chapter. Thank you!
Alaine chapter 16 . 4/18
Amazing chapter..Annie when are you going to continue Serendipity ? I’m really waiting for the next can’t just leave us hanging you know..Quarantine is making me sadddd...
eclectedmas chapter 16 . 4/4
I’m gonna cry
Guest chapter 16 . 4/3
Glad you’re back for a short while!
ms.annelily chapter 1 . 1/19
I am so excited that you're continuing this fic! Hope your muse stays with you and you'll find the time to finish this story
Moccalove chapter 5 . 1/14
Ok, I really like MOST of it. But what I don't like, I actually hate. I think that Marlene's mother's boyfriend should be arrested for drugging underaged girls and possible rape. I know that it was in the spirit of the time, but since he is a fictional character in a fictional world- and one that you decided to add- then he could be reproached, punished, or just simply not included. Marlene shouldn't apologize with cupcakes, and Lily- if she hasn't been drugged herself- should have intervened. It's kind of upsetting that it is just a small anecdote, it makes me sad that even in a fictional world men can get away with sexual harrasment\rape. I mean, what's 70 points, really? What are cupcakes? I know, those were different times, you're trying not to sugar coat anything, and this is just a story. But since you are such a good, compelling author, and you have such talent and so many readers, I am hoping that in the future chapters\stories women will be treated with more respect, and if they are not- hen punishment awaits the offenders.
Moccalove chapter 4 . 1/14
Another smile, thank you! :)
Moccalove chapter 3 . 1/14
Finished the chapter with a smile on my face :)
Moccalove chapter 2 . 1/14
Much more to my liking, still sad, but at least Lily is growing and gaining strength. I'm happy to read the next chapter!
Moccalove chapter 1 . 1/14
So sad and gloomy :( But your writing is beautiful, so I'm continuing to read 3
Northlandgirl chapter 15 . 1/9
Oh, Please don't dissapear for a year again
Guest chapter 15 . 1/2
I'm glad you have your writing groove back! You're definitely a talented writer:)
Guest chapter 14 . 12/12/2018
I am just sitting here in a puddle of tears. I tried to make this last as long as possible but ended up just binging the whole second half. You are a brilliantly talented writer, and I feel lucky to even get to read such a beautiful fic. Every word is poetry, every emotion felt just like I was Lily. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story with us. Bravo!
SurfCurse chapter 14 . 11/29/2018
This is seriously one of my favorite stories ever and it's a shame there are not more reviews! Great job
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