Reviews for Safe to Shore
Legionary Prime chapter 1 . 9/17/2016
Very good and well written one shot. I always wondered what Boba Fett would have done if Han Solo had died or reacted to this scene. But you wrote it pretty well and Fett himself was in character and his reasons for saving Han were reasonable.

I do wonder if they'll bring Boba back in the new canon. I know he survived the Sarlacc Pit in the old Expanded Universe but who knows
Azalea542 chapter 1 . 9/16/2016
Personally, I accepted Han's death in the movie, even though I went into shock for a couple of days after first watching the film. But I still found your story intriguing and well-written (professional level, actually.) I'm sure it'll help comfort fans who couldn't bear Han's death. That's one reason I enjoy fanfic in general-stuff the people behind the film, TV series, etc. did wrong, fans can correct.
I remember liking your Monkees fanfic that I read several years ago; I plan on seeing what else you may have posted since then. I also remember printing some out so I'd always have them-that is a high honor!
thecupcakefox chapter 1 . 9/7/2016
Hey, nicely done. I had never really thought of this, nor had I thought of Fett taking such actions, but you represented the characters well and produced an enticing story. Keep on writing whatever inspire you!
Agent Sandra Cartrip chapter 1 . 9/6/2016
YES! Han Solo lives! Oh thank you thank you thank you! Yes, Han Solo did NOT deserve to die! Killing Han Solo is WRONG! My favourite Star Wars character is saved, thanks to you! I never would have imagined Boba Fett coming back to help him. And the reunion between Leia and Han is so sweet!

That was a cool read, and I definitely feel that should have been in (Yeah, I haven't seen it, and I don't care to, no offense. Sorry guys.)

Will you PLEASE do a sequel where they DO rescue Ben? PLEASE?! I don't want Han and Leia to suffer for eternity!

Anyway thank you for this awesome read!
Hollydoor chapter 1 . 3/20/2016
YES! Fett and Hon arent dead! Thus is how the movie should have ended! You are officily my hero!
Garowyn chapter 1 . 2/1/2016
THIS is what should have happened. I could see this happening for real, and Boba Fett's opinions on children and parents make sense to me considering his past. I will accept this as the real ending of TFA instead. ;;

Great work!
The Wild Wild Whovian chapter 1 . 1/17/2016

Thank you, that was lovely.

Y'know, I sat there in the theater pressing a handkerchief over my mouth, whispering, 'Please don't kill him, please don't kill him' over and over again. This story is so sweet to me!
Chibi Cheesecake chapter 1 . 1/17/2016
Ooh, I really like this! My favorite bit was Fett being all cryptic over the radio and Han having to jump in like, "Uhh, it's me." And I love the overall optimistic tone of the ending, with Han being ok and the anticipation of seeing Luke again.

And there's so much good introspection here for Han and Leia! Leia's POV is especially heartbreaking. I loved the line about Han returning to the only world that made sense to him - the implication that the underworld makes more sense than a world where their son turns on them is especially gut-wrenching.

(PS I told my sister you were writing a rescue Han fic and her response was that you are "the hero we deserve" XD)
StatsGrandma57 chapter 1 . 1/15/2016
This was an interesting concept and it worked really well!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/14/2016
Brilliant! Please say you intend to write more! These fix-it fics are my new crack and this is the good stuff.
Mel1592 chapter 1 . 1/14/2016
I love it, wish it could happen.
Sangito chapter 1 . 1/14/2016
It would be so wonderful this happened and Han that were alive! I love this history! Thanks for sharing!
TheTrueOverlordBear chapter 1 . 1/14/2016
This sort of scenario seems very possible, if you ask me. Or maybe it's in the "maybe, maybe not" zone. My knowledge about Poe's survival after the Jakku crash landing in TFA makes me lean towards the former, though. Honestly, I like this scenario very much, 'cause HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN! Plus, I think you did well in depicting the characters! Special mention goes to Boba Fett and his aura of mystery, complexity, and badassery. Boba Fett valuing family that much isn't OOC too, considering what I know about him and his past.