Reviews for Power Made you Blind
Guest chapter 3 . 11/29/2019
Why are they scared?
Guest chapter 21 . 8/6/2019
Bitte auf jeden Fall eine Fortsetzung schreiben.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/12/2019
's ok
Guest chapter 20 . 2/25/2019
Some sunny day,a bill reference? Now? Really?
Guest chapter 16 . 2/25/2019
Wat is this madness
Guest chapter 14 . 2/25/2019
Guest chapter 12 . 2/25/2019
Guest chapter 6 . 2/25/2019
Potted yellow flower,interesting are you going to bring FLOWY into the series? (I think that’s how you spell it) Great story!
Sans chapter 4 . 8/9/2018
Please don't send Jerry to my house
Lauren B chapter 6 . 6/14/2018
yay! TEmmIe made an appearance! HoI! BoI!
Lauren B chapter 4 . 6/14/2018
NOOOOOOO! not jerry! everyone hates jerry!
Ethel chapter 17 . 3/8/2018
Eeeeeek! Oh yeah! This is awesome!
Ethel chapter 16 . 3/8/2018
Eheeheeheeheee... okay. I'm good.
Ethel chapter 15 . 3/8/2018
Don'tCare chapter 9 . 11/25/2017
Sans' magic eye can see through the mist! You're a brilliant author. Also, you're really awesome at putting puns in that tickle my funny 'bone'.
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