Reviews for Surf's Up
Awolf27 chapter 7 . 5/19
Ur story is really interesting :) :) :) Hope you can continue soon!
Rebmul chapter 7 . 9/29/2018
this is good and i'm looking forward to more
KongoAkuma chapter 7 . 11/24/2017
I really want to know what happens next.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/2/2017
LinKun chapter 7 . 8/5/2016
I hope you post the next chapter soon, you can't stop this story now, it's getting really interesting.
HighImmaWeeder chapter 1 . 6/18/2016
You know what I just notice (lmao) all that shit happen within 2 or I think 3 days. Dude lmao. My god. I find that funny.
HighImmaWeeder chapter 7 . 6/18/2016
This story is awesome dude :). I really wanted to read a story with Sufer korra. And now I got one. And it's so amazing. And dude I was so confused in chap.7 but I think I understand :/. Anyways nice story man
Activereader21 chapter 7 . 4/9/2016
I really like your story so far. Great work making the story really flow together. I cannot wait to read more, and find out what is going on with all of the characters.
Korrasami Ketchup chapter 6 . 3/15/2016
These Bro-Names(Trademark) have me dead
mpowers045 chapter 6 . 1/20/2016
This is just getting good
mpowers045 chapter 5 . 1/20/2016
Loving it
Thundercatroar chapter 5 . 1/20/2016
You wicked, wicked monkey.

That was some of the best written smut I've seen, classy, respectful, but something you wouldn't want your mom to know you've read, therefore, PERFECT! 8P

Guest chapter 2 . 1/18/2016
Love it!
Thundercatroar chapter 4 . 1/19/2016

Okay, I-I forgive you, just this once. ;)

Love your imagery of the little hideaway that Korra brings friends to. To really experience a city, town, a different country, whatever, it's always good when you have someone who lives there to be your guide. It's not the touristy traps that makes a vacation, it's the quiet little hidey holes that only the locals know about that makes a vacation truly memorable. That and that bratwurst Big Mac you can only get in Germany.

The places the locals go to are usually cheaper too. I'd rather go clam gunning on the beach with a big ass bonfire, hot corn on the cob, mushy potatoes, a cold beer in my hand, and sand in my ass than go to the "popular" places on the main drag where there's an hour wait to get in.

Sad, but an incredible tale of how Korra wound up with Tenzin, Bumi, Kya and the rest of the clan. It doesn't take long for "Uh, oh." to turn into "Oh, shit!" and unfortunately, some instances of that have lifelong/life altering endings. It makes one even more grateful when bad things do happen to have friends there who will care for you when you might not be able to, and lift you when you're at your lowest, and feel that you may never get above it again.

It's pretty bad when the girl you're crushing on's best friend and travel companion is actually trying to get you to talk to her. I would like to say that Opal Beifong could operate as anyone's conscience and do a pretty good job, so I hope Korra takes her advice. Offering her the shirt off her back was a chivalrous, cute gesture to start with.

Ooo! I like Mel, and I hope that she and Mako can get together when he's sober! Looks like they're hitting it off, he needs a good woman with a sense of humor that can help drag out that stick Mako loves to incubate in his ass.

Of course, there always has to be "that one" and unfortunately, Korra has yet another "one".

I know Korra would have defended Asami, along with everyone else, but I like that Opal was pretty much giving everyone the hint to stand down, and let 'Sami take care of it.

I know giving a guy a shot in the hojos isn't quite disco, but this time, Asami should have aimed her knee a little higher and treated Tahno to some Nutella with his marshmallows.

Either that, or beat the piss right out of him with a ukulele, either way, what bliss! Tiptoe through the tulips to that, mother #$%er!

Nothing to do with the story, but there's nothing more heavenly than the sound of an electric guitar's strings breaking while still connected to am amp as said instrument makes contact with a thick, STUPID human skull.

Jesus, it's better than a 136 BPM disco hit.


The people who dragged Tahno back to his car like the sack of shit he is was very kind and decent, and I was in awe of it. It might not seem it, but I'd help carry the jerk back to his car but only because it would be the right thing to do, instead of allowing the tide and crabs have their way with him.

The only sad thing that happened was that Asami's poor sandal was killed, but it was an acceptable loss because it got her in Korra's arms. :D

I love stories like this where constipators roll out of the woodwork and gives our protagonists foes to righteously fight, it just serves to show what honorable and good natured heroes our favorite characters are when they allow scumbags like this to live. I can't wait to hear the backstory of what Kuvira and this asshat's malfunction is.

Maybe Tahno and Kuvira should get married and have some douchey little brats and make the world an even better place.

You set up the scene for Asami and Korra to go off from the others perfectly, and their first kiss, I swear to god, fangirly squealing all over the house! I wish my first kiss tasted like mangoes.

Mine tasted like stale bong water. :(

And my goodness, aren't Korra and Asami an anxious little boogers? 8D I have a feeling one of your other rabid reviewers is going to be writing *you* a love note. ;)

Anyway, chapters and stories like this is one of the reasons why I thank God that I am a night owl!

This was the BEST CHAPTER YET!

It had it all!

Beautiful backstory, fire, innocent drunken antics, violence directed at people who actually deserve it, and a beautifully written love scene, part of it on a motorcycle!

Brings a whole new meaning to the term "crotch rocket".

Oh, God and sonny Jesus I'm still geeking out about it!

Loving the crap out of this! You are truly one of the (many but still best) writers in this place!

Thank you so much for the quick update! I swear this story deserves a million reviews telling you how damn good this is!

Thundercatroar chapter 3 . 1/19/2016
I'm a electronica/house/70's disco kind of girl, but for every chapter I've read of this, I trot out my surf hits, it's The Ventures tonight. Gotta' love "Perfidia", thanks for reminding me of the 60's stuff I've got, it often gets neglected.


Asami meets our lovely Honolulu Lulu for the first time outside of rescuing friends from crashing waves or defeating cheating opposing street ball team cute. :)

(did you see what I did there? I bet you did)

And Korra on a motorcycle? And Asami is watching this roll up real time? Asami must feel like she's at a luau...and she's the poi.

So cute that Asami can barely keep her mind out of the gutter during her interactions with "The Avatar", better in the loving embrace of fantasies based on Korra, rather than on that jackass Iroh! You got it absolutely on the nose right, cheaters, every last worthless one of them, really ARE pieces of shit, the really stinky kind that you can't purge from your memory, but at least it gets better after a few courtesy flushes. I can only hope that Korra can continue to help Asami forget her "pain", and hopefully find that sometimes, being broken up frees you up for something much better to come along, like owning a Yugo and suddenly one morning finding a kandy blue De Tomaso Mangusta parked in the driveway with an AGIP decal on the window.

May I also please say that your Bolin is perfect? I also have a feeling that Korra's smirking braggadocio and swagger are going to become mumbles and staggers under the detailed attentions of Asami Sato. That's the way it happens...nobody fights the Sato, thought it seems like Korra's not reeeeelllyyyyyyy tryin' too hard...

I gotta' tell you, you really are a truly gifted writer to be able to tweeze feelings of sympathy for Mako, I actually felt a little bad for him when Korra made her admission, I think that that is exactly how Korra would react to a situation like that. I think that she would know she's a pretty cool person, but I think that she would also really not have a clue that she's a pretty girl. I went to school with a girl like that, she had no idea why all the boys wanted to be around her, after we graduate, she becomes crowned Miss North Carolina. Go figure. Anyway, it's a testament to what a great person Korra is by how she tries to let Mako down easy, and doesn't make a big deal out of his unintended faux pas. The all in all general ohana feeling that you portray in this story is simply beautiful, the fact that Korra and her adopted family have adopted four visitors to their island is heartwarming and is so canon to the Legend of Korra, and to the culture of Hawaii as well.

It's such a shame that Korra has to worry about hiding one of the core truths of herself just so she can make a living, my grandmother always said you didn't have to walk too far to find an asshole, and that extends to companies and institutions as well, but there is hope because it seems things are getting better.

Anyway, needless to say, I am completely and totally in love with this story and the way that you've taken the characters we care about and put them into this AU. Not many people can take original characters from a show and fit them into a story like this and have it be believable, but you've done it like a champ!

Good, God, this is so good, and I know I say it in a lot of other reviews for other writers, but I really mean it when I say I simply CANNOT WAIT for the next chapter!

Thank you so much for writing this sweet story!


Mako and Bolin's last name- Minecraft reference or igneous rock?
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