Reviews for Absolute Obedience
hnh058513 chapter 1 . 9/21/2018
Lelouch 2nd
Demon emperor
Lelouch Lamperouge
Lelouch Vi Britannia
remember chapter 1 . 6/9/2018
very slow update, this translate to umm hmmm, lets say 1 word every day.
Mullkkkkkk chapter 1 . 4/7/2018
"the laugh maniacally on demand command"
xD oh god, I'm dying
Fenrir44 chapter 1 . 7/27/2017
When are going to update this again
BLADE OF ILLUSIONS chapter 1 . 4/8/2017
if you are going to add things ( the shinozaki clan and the auto geass betterment) why not add characters that dont appear in the r1 r2 series, like leila and marribel.
please do continue with the story
eye of sparta chapter 1 . 3/8/2017
Amazing please continue.
sneak13579 chapter 1 . 2/27/2017
Cool story!
welltall44 chapter 1 . 1/15/2017
Awesome I am really glad to see another fic like this one as all of the others seem to have been long abandoned. Though I am curious on who will be with Lelouch? Plus as you have shown hints at Lelouch being with Nunnally I really hope you can include Euphie with Lelouch too as not only were there actual mentions that Lelouch and Euphie were each other's first loves when they were younger but I have always hated Suzaku after his absolute betrayal of his "best friend" and his refusal to see the reality of his own flaws even going so far as to use Nunnally to try and force Lelouch to reveal himself during season 2. I as a result have always wanted Suzaku to get his just rewards in these kind of time travel fics by not getting Euphie. Sorry for the rant keep up the excellent work and I really look forward to the next chapter.
Silent Roar chapter 1 . 6/22/2016
Reading through this once more and I'm still blown away at how methodical and meticulous this Lelouch is. I REALLY hope you don't get abducted by aliens or die... or fall under to a bout of writer's block; this is TOO interesting a fic to be left incomplete.
Incendie de Glace chapter 1 . 5/27/2016
Lelouch is just munchkining the hell out of his geass. This is something I'd expect from Taylor Hebert. Favorite added.
Silent Roar chapter 1 . 5/7/2016
I really hope you don't drop this fic; the level of detail have gone through with this first chapter alone is spectacular.

This is a very promising beginning - may your muse not escape you, your drive to write remain in full gear and the time required to compose this work ever available to you.
Paradox009 chapter 1 . 4/24/2016
OK first of all this is an awesome beginning. You have started off with some great ideas like Lelouch using geass to reprogram himself or seeing up commands to give me orders like programming a computer. Him using the Ashfords to manufacture knightmares, which was what they did originally before falling from grace and the cybernetic enhancements like Geass Canceller, which makes sense with his Geass, especially to prevents accidents during Geass Runaway, like I'm Euphimia's case. Overall it's a great start.

Now a few nitpicks, some which others have already pointed out, like character interactions (you could have shown how Kallen or even what other girls who where with her reacted to his kiss as he is usually known to be a bit unromantic), scene transitions ( it works, but could be made better).

Now the LuluNunna scene, brilliant. He is a disconnect and she is a brocon, and no one seems to use this premise in fanfics, instead you get SuzuLula, and that to a lot, which never made sense to me by the way. Anyway I loved Sayako's interpretation of her master's character, which we know from canon, is as a Playboy. As this is a heram fic I hope I will see some lemons, you can start reading lemons and smut to get an idea or get someone to write it for you (try one yourself and post it for this, and you can get an idea from reviews on what you should do in the future).

Anyway hope to see more soon...)
Sanguinis13 chapter 1 . 4/17/2016
Good start. I hope to see more soon.
Akuma-Heika chapter 1 . 4/10/2016
geassed Villeta and the command center but should he get the chance he could always correct that blunder with the Geass canceler
since Clovis ordered them out, he still can geass the cc members

She was appalled to notice she had been slacking in her wif...sisterly duties.

The note on the dining table would only serve to confirm her suspicions
What note?

…will her sisters join Lulu as well lol; ninja siscest orgy!

For the love of God, please continue this!
marsolino chapter 1 . 3/31/2016
It's a very interesting beginning, but I think you are moving things too fast to properly follow and you simplified Lelouch's character too much. Everyone knows he is a scission and that he would do anything for Nunnally, but at the beginning of the story and the scene where he interacts with her you make it seem like he lives just for her, when it is not true. Even when she *SPOILER* was presumed dead in the second season, he still had the will to keep fighting. Maybe he orchestrated his own death, but he still fought for his ideals, the people who believed in him and for his dream. His death was more or less a prerequisite for making peace with Suzaku, who would have killed him in one way or another. Lelouch just used his wish for revenge to make his death worth something.
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