Reviews for Last Chance
JerseyCaptain chapter 1 . 5/5
A really compelling look at Ratchet's father, and the hard, urgent decisions he had to make in his final days regarding his son. You write very well, and it's nice to see Kaden receiving attention from good writers who don't abuse characters like him with bad concepts and bad writing (and there's plenty of that going around). Well done!
Max Chronicle chapter 1 . 1/18/2016
That was a good Kaden story. No, that was a GREAT Kaden story. The Latin was a nice touch, standing down Tachyon like that...and his last thoughts. That and so many other parts were finely put together. An instant favorite.
Glad to hear your muse is returning, Chronicles Of Internet Earth was genius. I read the story though before I had an account comments coming from me. Should you decide to give it another go, I'll be all over it.
Max out
xXxCrescent MoonxXx chapter 1 . 1/18/2016
I had also read "Worry" and it was the very first R&C fanfic I had ever read! You did phenomenal with the descriptions and the scene-setting, I loved your writing style and the fact that you attempted to enlighten us more about Kaden's personality! And very interesting theory on how Ratchet got his name! All in all, a great read!
Good luck with the Fandom 3 contest, I'm sure gonna support you by "clicking the heart icon" on the site!