Reviews for The Fellowship of the Youth Group
Perian Swan chapter 7 . 6/6/2018
Elephant, the lovely guest reviewer (sorry, I wish there were an easier way to reply to guest reviews, hopefully you'll see this!) I'm glad you enjoyed Bisque Guy's little cameos in this story, I had lots of fun writing them in! Regarding your question, I think that as a reader you get to use your imagination and decide for yourself what kind of church this is! I grew up attending, and still attend, a Calvary Chapel church (which is not LDS) so I did base parts of this story on my experiences going to a youth group there, but tbh a lot of the stuff in the story is based in imagination and videos from the YouTube channel Blimey Cow. My own youth group attending experiences were not very exciting haha. Anyway, thanks so much for your reviews, I really appreciate them :)
Elephant chapter 7 . 6/5/2018
Oh my freaking heck! :) i love the Bisque guy! You just made my entire day! :) !
Elepahnt chapter 5 . 6/5/2018
What religion is thus based on? U used studio C is it LDS?
TheLadyAranel chapter 9 . 3/16/2016
Oh how flipping cute! I loved it. Kinda sad it's over...*tear*
10-phoenix-feathers chapter 9 . 3/15/2016
Awwww! This is a really nice ending to a lovely story. Please keep writing!
And of course JRR Tolkien is magical :)
10-phoenix-feathers chapter 8 . 3/13/2016
I loved chapter 8! Big head kid and Veggie Tales... man I love these references. And the little Balrog! I love this story so much; it gave me so many giggles. I can't wait for the epilogue!
Caffeine guest chapter 8 . 3/9/2016
So many references.

I'm sad that the story is ending so soon. I enjoyed it so much!

I feel sad for Frodo and Prudence they seem like a great pair of friends.
Caffeine guest chapter 6 . 3/9/2016
Ahhh! Blimey Cow! I like them a lot.

I'm sure the sermon was most amusing for the fellowship.
Caffeine guest chapter 5 . 3/9/2016
Hm, it seems that Frodo is quickly making a friend.

I have to admit, the youth group as a whole seems to be pretty accepting of the oddness of their guests. If the fellowship showed up at mine they would stand out a lot, then again we only have ten people in our youth group so new people always stand out.

I hope Katy is ok.
TheLadyAranel chapter 8 . 3/8/2016
Oh my goodness, I fell into another fit of giggles. I just die every time- I think I've read this twice now.

I wait anxiously for the epilogue, knowing that this will ALWAYS be one of my all time favorites. Like if there was an 'ultimate' favorites list next to the 'favorites' list, this would be on it!

And you are most certainly welcome for the last review! Totally honest and completely in love with this. I about lost it in this chapter when Gimli said his goodbyes to the girls. Brilliant.

Mimi chapter 3 . 3/8/2016
I think that this whole fan fiction is absolutely fantastic. The references are really making me laugh.

I have done many, many fanfictions, but none of them cut anywhere near this... masterpiece. I love it. This idea is awesome. Where did you get it?
10-phoenix-feathers chapter 7 . 3/7/2016
I love this story so much! I love Aragorn's coffee habit and all of your references, and I love your writing style. I cannot wait to see more of this story!
TheLadyAranel chapter 7 . 3/1/2016
Oh my gosh, I think I laughed enough to last me a while. This is just too funny and so well written! It takes me back to a time when I was in youth group and me and all my pre-teen friends would discuss what it would be like to have the Fellowship with us! (No Joke) So this is wonderful for me to read and the idea is just too perfect to put into words. Like a BLAST from the past. You've made me laugh and cry at remembering what it was like back in the days of pure innocence and tomfoolery.

You write everyone amazingly and for such an AU no one seems to be OOC! My metaphorical teenage heart is just soaring with fangirl-ish pride for you. You must continue!

Thank you so much for making my day, seriously, kudos.
Cornflower1612 chapter 5 . 2/16/2016
So I'm not the only one who thinks of the Fellowship of the Ring every time I see a church called "fellowship" something-or-other. This is perfect. :-D
Caffeine guest chapter 4 . 2/10/2016
Aragorn is still thinking about coffee. Hehe

Hm, the fellowship seems to be taking this fairly well so far. Poor Legolas, I hope he survives.

Thank you for the lovely update!

P.S. I'll just starting calling myself caffeine guest.
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