Reviews for Brave
Jacquisbox chapter 9 . 7/7
I LOVE THIS STORY! I know it's been years since it's been updated but this was a great story, I had to comment even though you might not even see it. I would have LOVED to see where this story went. Great writing! I was completely hooked for the whole story. Thank you for writing this! Hope you are healthy and safe!
Guest chapter 9 . 12/3/2019
Love this however this has to have some problems. I wish Olivia would have told Abby about the contract all of it.I thank it would have change Abbys opinion. I thank Olivia is falling in already know Fit is. Waiting for more I hope you're feeling better God bless.
Guest chapter 6 . 12/3/2019
I'm on chapter 6 out of chapter 9 and not found this about 4 hours ago and I have been reading it ever since it has caught my eye and I don't know where this came from I was looking through my FanFiction titles and things and I just came across this and one other lady is she was in the hospital and I was in the hospital I had something wrong with my heart and they put in a microchip pacemaker well I'm laying in my bed and I'm looking through my fan fiction and brave just caught my eye I love this story but I think there's going to be some problems because Olivia is jumping into something really fast she hasn't thought of it completely she wants an education and I think that he's putting her on her to watch her so she won't go running around on him that's my thought but hopefully I hope that doesn't happen and I hope she gets her education but I just cannot put this down it is so good have a great day and I didn't put any plus any commas or any periods or anything cuz I'm just so excited to read this story it is so good so very very good keep up the good riding you are a good writer I love you you're riding that is because I really don't know you I just love your writing you have a good one and take care of yourself just like I'm taking care of myself I see that you had a heart problem also you have a blessed day
Guest chapter 3 . 12/3/2019
I found this fanfiction about 2 hours ago and I'm on chapter 3 and I have not put it down this is so exciting. I love I love how they went through this contract. And I love how Olivia took control and he let her he must have fallen in love with that picture. It must have been the picture I hope there's more than 9 chapters to this story I think I'm going to be reading all of them at once please please write more I want to hear more about it I haven't gotten to chapter 9 yet but I'm on chapter 4 now and I should have put. There but I didn't and I I'm just so excited. So excited. I want more...
olitzalltheway chapter 1 . 3/16/2019
I hope you will write more!
Guest chapter 9 . 2/4/2019
Will Libby go to school? AR is she going to get married and start having babies I hope she goes to school to get to get her degree. Waiting for updates hope you are feeling better
olitzalways36 chapter 9 . 1/17/2019
Please update soon!
Guest chapter 9 . 10/12/2018
Can you please finish this it is a really great story
Come back chapter 9 . 6/15/2018
I hope all is well with you. If so, please come back to this. This is one of my calm escapes.
Guest chapter 9 . 6/14/2018
Are you coming back to update?
Guest chapter 9 . 5/4/2018
Can you please,pretty please update.
Coralsue3 chapter 2 . 4/23/2018
Just started readung this. Love it! I hope Liv takes the offer! Lucky girl.
CharlieTsAngel chapter 9 . 4/17/2018
Aka: Consuela
Please update so we will know what happens. Will she get married? What's next?/
olitzalways36 chapter 1 . 4/3/2018
please update...
Guest chapter 8 . 1/25/2018
Helloooooooo,anybody home?
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