Reviews for One More Time
Guest chapter 1 . 4/12
the.narr.master chapter 11 . 12/24/2019
Honestly, the only thing this needed was a small part with max, chloe and their friends watching madoka magica. And max crying while defending homura to high heavens. She'd relate too fudging hard.
Great story. Fantastic. And I adored the ending, epilogue and the epilogue's ending.
Maybe a bit more on the book being released though.
Thank you for writing this.
I'm off to check some more of your stuff. ta.
Guest chapter 10 . 12/11/2019
Well, suddenly forgetting everything would be kind of extremely terrifying. She did end up losing a record of some of those memories, I suppose. The ones she didn't write, due to not being super-relevant to the story.

I'd like to imagine that Sam and Blue ended up having their own happy ending. The 'left behind' versions. Who knows, maybe the memories vanished because of something on that end. Perhaps a moment of 'finality', a 'happy ending' just for them.

Though I kind of wonder what happened to the Rachel in this timeline. Certainly would be at least some changes.
Guest chapter 3 . 12/11/2019
Well, if Chloe ever hears about Jefferson being arrested, that might cause a few questions. But it looks like he wasn't brought up by anyone (probably with good reason, considering), and she just didn't read the newspaper.

Something tells me that Prescott never actually went on a business trip, though.
hudder chapter 11 . 5/24/2019
i spend sleepless nights reading this story and love it cuz its something i bet i would have done if i had someone that meant so much to me. being able to do over and make it more full of happiness and less pain. caring for someone that deeply is undesirable. And ever sense i played the game couple yrs ago, i had a emotional break down, more a breaking point cuz i always had trouble with my emotions and now its had not to cry over the simplest things, i ever have a album in my FB with hundards of act of LIS as well a the details of what this game and story have done to me, but still no one to share it with. And yet i better then i was, alone but better. i have been reading so many LIS fanfiction novels and wish that's what i had. and thinking about them two from time to time when i am not reading, its hard to keep my eyes from watering up. it's hard playing the game now cuz on how much emo i have for it. i cried so much reading this story, it was so good and u gave both sides, and still was able to make it have a happy ending. a tough one but still happy. and in that i thank you for writing it.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/23/2019
Guest chapter 3 . 11/20/2018
Clueless1229 chapter 9 . 11/21/2018
OMG you actually mentioned the Katie Vick storyline from way back XDDDDDD Geeeez that was bad, wasn’t it?
LGX23 chapter 11 . 10/23/2018
Holy crap, that was phenomenal.
Very happy I read this, you've got quite the talent.
A damn fine story, just thought I should write how much I enjoyed it as allot of folks tend to forget to show their appreciation. Very nicely done.
Jaybird9876 chapter 11 . 8/15/2018
Just wowsers. That was hands down, balls to the walls, 100% one of the best fucking LiS fan fiction I have ever read. I’ve only read one that is better(Infinite Loop by perdegast). You are truly brilliant and thank you for this. I feel like after reading this, I don’t need to read fan fics anymore. I am healed now lol. Thank you so so so much for this beautiful story
Greenkyrie chapter 11 . 7/15/2018
ohmygod! the entire story Is so endearing, your take of the time travel use is brilliant! although I love old Pricefield, they totally deserve to have a proper ending like the one you give them, also i'm a sucker for Chasemarsh so thank you! nice chapter about Council of Maxs (or Maxes) reunion!
wanderingpotato chapter 1 . 6/3/2018
Fantastic and heartwarming, I loved it. Thank you.
Hithilion chapter 11 . 1/21/2018
Wonderful story, thank you very much. Hope you will continue to write storys.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/5/2017
SquishyYawns chapter 7 . 7/3/2017
It is chapter 7 of this story and I have quit reading. I tried to keep on but this is one of the most boring stories I have ever read. At no point was there any conflict, no obstacles to overcome. It was just "Max is awesome and used future knowledge to beat every thing in her way!". That is boring. You put Jefferson and the Prescotts out in the second chapter. Why? The game had the theme that power has consequences and the universe is not to be lightly tampered with. This fic? Max Buttfucks the space time continuum and becomes a billonaire. All the character development goes out the door when she goes back a little further and everything is perfect. I guess cannon Max didn't want it hard enough. TL;DR It is a perfect story and one of the worst I've ever read. 2/10
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