Reviews for Bloodlines and Battle Lines
Bluishorbs chapter 7 . 10/22/2018
Hi there - I absolutely adore all your Byakuya/Hisana fics and this is no exception! I feel like you capture Hisana's inner strength, despite her potential physical weakness, so very well. You've fleshed out a character that Kubo barely gave any thought to, and help us believe why Byakuya could fall in love with her.

Although it's been a while since you've updated your fics, I hope you decide to finish them/continue. I've been reading your fics for years and feel like I have grown up with them. I frequently re-read them and enjoy each story every time.

Your characterisation of Byakuya is stunning, and your writing skills are beautiful. You capture, through your language, the refinement of Byakuya's upper class upbringing, and the wonderful, grounded speech of characters from Rukongai.

I could go on forever - you're amazing!
sunev.31 chapter 7 . 8/7/2016
Those kidnappers put too scared me, I hope that disrespectful man paid. And Byakuya-sexy, poor man destined to a marriage contract, and he wants a love that transcends time. It is intriguing to know how he will interact with Hisana. Rukia is very close, waoooo, I did not expect, she is there. I'm looking forward to the next chapter, take care.
sunev.31 chapter 6 . 8/7/2016
Oh no! Hisana is completely trapped. The bad guys always used to loved ones to keep people under control, T-T. Byakuya-sexy does not show it, but he's a super romantic man, xDD. I love you
handling of the feelings of the characters. Take care and until next update.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/6/2016
Poor Byakuya and Hisana! We read.
sunev.31 chapter 5 . 6/14/2016
This is very exciting, I'm too anxious to know what will happen! You leave it in a very exciting part, seriously !. Poor Hisana must be so scared, I hope she manages to escape, but also want to see her encounter with Byakuya-sexy xDDD. Take care and until next update.
Calliecature chapter 5 . 6/14/2016
Hello. The plot in here thickens sensibly. We could feel dread and apprehension even from the captains themselves on how grim the situation is. You've put it out nicely, considering failed students of war in the system. Everyone's in-character. Including the huffy perfectionist ways of the Kuchiki (I don't intend to insult the family name though). The Tadomi character seems to have graded everyone as bloody brutes or pencil pushers -which I think would be his downfall if he wouldn't take a closer look at people. I'm looking forward to know how would Hisana save herself from the new situation. You're one of the writers that I knew who writes well and this story is one of my favorites.
sunev.31 chapter 4 . 2/17/2016
Healing water , Hisana is always a mystery . I feel that the rebels will want to Hisana to help that problem !. Take care and until next update.
Guest chapter 3 . 2/16/2016
I love your stories, and eagerly await them each time you update. This one is just as gripping as your others, and I never tire of your many interpretations of these characters, all equally brilliant and written with perfection. Thanks for sharing them with us!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/4/2016
Please update soon!
sunev.31 chapter 3 . 1/24/2016
Interesting. She can bring rain with her dancing that mystery. The meeting Hisana and Byakuya was so intense, poor Hisana, she is uncomfortable there and Byakuya worsens the situation. Byakuya-sexy is so cold. She wants to run the Seireitei, xD. Byakuya Jojojo a gentleman accompanying her, and she will have more desire to flee. Take care and until next update.
Calliecature chapter 3 . 1/24/2016
Hey there,

Sorry for just reviewing after three chapters. I was waiting for the two to meet.

1. Byakuya's attitude in failure. Wow, their thoughts in perfection is really in a very high pedestal but he doesn't have to beat himself up for that. Although he keeps on trying, that's good.

2. Your narration is sensual, referring to wet, dry, pain, pleasure, breath and other sensations to imbibe reality from words to reader. That's good.

3. Hisana, the mysterious rain dancer. I really, really want to see that in animation and suddenly having her blade meet against his.

4. That was creepy how Byakuya forces her to look at him. What for?

5. Hisana's POV on status quo an gentle strength and understanding to everything is really a breathe of fresh air. She's one of the rare heroines. To look inside her mind and witness her deal with a harsh world, a world that matches Byakuya is stimulating.

Is that what you're aiming for? A harsh world where both characters live and understand but with different perspectives. Both are strong but their kind of strength is where they diverge.
camelia-chan chapter 3 . 1/24/2016
I love it.
Ja its been a while since i had a bleach story that i like it. Please update soon
Q-asta chapter 2 . 1/24/2016
very interesting
TheWeepingTurtle chapter 2 . 1/23/2016
I found both chapters to be highly amusing. So much so that I could not contain myself. Well done. I find your work to be spectacular. So by all means, please continue.
sunev.31 chapter 2 . 1/23/2016
I faint imagining Byakuya smile xD. I like how you describe the past, and the prospect of Byakuya, it's interesting. Take care and until next update.
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