Reviews for The true heir of Slytherin
bella.beau.14 chapter 33 . 7/22
Love it
Guest chapter 33 . 7/10
Dear writer,

This story was very well written. Lots of research was done and it show with the amount of detail in said story. I hope one day the story will be complete. It would be interesting on how the story ended! Plz keep writing stories like this they r a work of art!

Sincerely, Autumn Kloehn
Sozin's Flame chapter 33 . 6/21
Amazing story I wish you would update it id love to read more!
ddsurvivor chapter 33 . 6/20
Damn this fan fic is awesome. Too bad you stopped.

I found it today and read it none stop for a few hours till I caught up to the end. Hopefully you come back to it in the future and finish this story. It is very good. I liked it.
JEWELSPLASH007 chapter 33 . 6/18
Well, all I can say is wow I love this story couldn't put it down. :) hope you countine with it.
Guest chapter 33 . 6/6
Please update
Snow Leopard Pasha chapter 20 . 5/26
Good chapter again, though one small glitch...A kitsune is a fox, not a cat, so it doesn't meow, it yips or barks. Otherwise nothing really to note.
Snow Leopard Pasha chapter 19 . 5/26
I've mostly been enjoying the story (other than a couple things about Harry already noted as a recent guest reviewer, which I still am not completely sold on, despite your later explanation), but one thing that always bothers me is people somehow thinking torturing others is a great idea.

It does absolutely no good in ANY circumstance. No, what the Dursleys did, or would have done, in your story isn't good, but they really believed they had the right to do it, and torturing them for it just makes them more sure they were right and magical people are freaks. Salazar and Sirius are proving the point.

Also, did it never occur to anyone that someone who had been tortured wouldn't actually trust someone who had tortured others because they've proven they're cut from the same cloth? Yes, they might feel vindicated at first to see their abusers suffer, but then it also makes them wary of the one who did the deed. Yes, I'm setting aside the fact that Harry doesn't know, because he's eventually going to find out his new father tortures people, and the only thing which might still make him feel safe is the oath Salazar swore.

Punishment is justified, but there are much better ways to do that than outright torture which is still pointless. For example, a spell making it so Vernon would feel the agony of his intended victim if he ever looked at another person with the intent to rape them, but as long as he wasn't thinking about it he would be fine. Or a spell making it so any work he gets someone else to do for him will cause him to lose jobs, opportunities, money, etc. It then enforces good behavior and isn't intended to 'torture'-all it would take to make the suffering stop is to stop doing the bad behavior/thoughts. This, then is an actual viable punishment, not torture for the sake of it.

Yes, I have issues with torture. It only ever induces fear and never actually serves a purpose (you can't torture the truth out of someone, you can only make someone tell you what you want to hear, even if that's not the actual truth, and that's besides what I've already said). It worries me that so many people really think torture is justifiable when it only makes them as bad as, and sometimes worse, than the same people they're torturing. The big point everyone misses is that someone being tortured has a chance of escape, no matter how small, and WILL commit the same actions again. At least if they're dead, they have NO chance of repeating the same crimes. This is why punishments which would force them to behave in a more appropriate manner (corrective discipline) is a much more viable way to handle things, or to just kill them and be done with it.

I sincerely hope you won't write other stories with this kind of torture in them, especially now that you have another option.
Guest chapter 10 . 5/24
Eidetic memory is one thing, but Harry is five and wasn't well-educated before, so exactly when did he learn to read? Having a memory like that is useless without knowing exactly what he's looking at, so the current 'reading' Harry should be doing is Salazar teaching him to read and write. Then, Harry's studies (maybe when he's six or seven years old) would make more sense...

Again, just a note for future works, or if you ever decide to make corrections to this one.
Guest chapter 9 . 5/24
I've mostly been enjoying the story, though it's very...disconcerting to have you including words like 'blemish', 'opportunity', or 'I'm quite hungry' (this phrasing, rather than a single word) come out of a five-year-old's mouth, especially one with no real education to speak of just yet. Maybe after some years of exposure to Salazar (say, when he's eleven), it would make more sense for him to use words like that, at least some of the time, but for the moment, I really can't see five-year-old Harry using those kinds of words. Children don't talk like adults, let alone like well-educated adults.

Just something for you to think about in future works, or if you ever decide to make corrections to this one (or others of your already-published works which have a similarly-aged character).
Natsuki D chapter 33 . 3/6
Hope to read more! This is very interesting and I want to see how it will continue to go.
Can't wait for more (hopefully!)
Guest chapter 18 . 3/5
Torture the Dursley’s extremely long and severely, break every bone in their body to smithereens.
Guest chapter 17 . 3/3
Augusta Longbottom is the best candidate for the Minister of Magic, because she is on the side of law and justice. Also, she is neutral and incorruptible, while serving and obeying the law.
SabannaLea chapter 33 . 3/2
Please update soon
AkSpeed chapter 7 . 2/29
T rated books are for losers
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