Reviews for The Rise of Cyrodiil
loleo chapter 37 . 6/3
How can someone certainly trenched in politic like Reman, let slip the name Cyrodiil? There are certainly some Voldemort fanatics in Hogwarts, so, why tell everyone where Reman comes and goes to?
loleo chapter 29 . 6/3
I unterstand that Henry will let his grandfather and bis parents know, how he lived his life in Tamriel. But Dumbledore? No! That will come to bite Henry in the ass!
And maybe Voldemort will find his way to Tamriel, a new country for him to conquer.
No, if it was me, I had let Fleamont know where Henry is and no one more.
With surety will Michael think, what Henry got is Michaels twice. And Lily and James will think that also.
No, to let Dumbledore, Lily and James know about how to access the portal is Henrys biggest mistake.
And to let the portal go close, will break something in Henrys heart
Kelorus chapter 39 . 10/27/2019
I hope you’’ update one day.
Kira007Goddess of Chaos chapter 8 . 9/21/2019
Harrison? Wasnt his name Henry "Harry" ?
stylo1 chapter 39 . 8/13/2019
i wouldnt call this a crossover at least not where it matters. it is also to long i skipped big pieces of it and missed nothing
stylo1 chapter 30 . 8/13/2019
so you have a councillor showing up at the battle front of a faction that is still undecided acting all nervous, a councillor you already dont trust and you dont interogate him?
can you be anymore obvious?
stylo1 chapter 29 . 8/13/2019
even now that he has made contact with earth again he doesnt learn any of their usefull magic, apparating, fiendfyre just to name a few
stylo1 chapter 25 . 8/13/2019
he can use magic of tamriel on earth cause the portal is open.
yet when he was a child he could alread do some of their magic without opening the rift
stylo1 chapter 21 . 8/13/2019
he wasted his last drop of magicka, so he drew his wand and fired a spell.
so magicka doesnt use the same magic as wand magic? how convenient
stylo1 chapter 17 . 8/13/2019
what im dragonborn, im pretty sure my parents were human.
its not like the book from his ancestor talked about dragonborn, the ritual could only be done if he either was a dragonborn or a decendent of one.
and im not sure but couldnt dragons only be killed by dragonborn?

so this whole act of being confused is more then a bit rediciculous
stylo1 chapter 11 . 8/13/2019
all magic of his home world gets left behind he doesnt even try to learn apparation but does somehow remembers the recipe for veritaserum? i thought he was just donr with 3th year? no way in hell he knows that
stylo1 chapter 7 . 8/13/2019
the emperor has lost his childeren so no heirs and some pesky not relatives vying for the throne, here comes along a young man heir of the first emperor with proper manors a good mind and young enough to be somewhat pliable.
what can the emperor possibly want from him by offering the be a royal ward? most likely to become the next emperor, seems rather obvious
stylo1 chapter 2 . 8/13/2019
carpe retractum? makes a rope from your to an object and stick there. in this case a door then he pulls full weight backwards to open the door. better hope your little stick called a wand can handle that.
accio seems much easier
The Aberrant One chapter 39 . 6/27/2019
Keep checking up for an update. I really hope you haven't abandoned this story.
Tobi99 chapter 39 . 2/10/2019
Please update
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