Reviews for The Chosen Heir
4242KA JONES chapter 15 . 6/12
Thank you, this was done so well.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/30/2018
It was a very beautiful story that made me cry so much ... Thank you for sharing such an amazing story
Prisci chapter 16 . 12/27/2017
hola continua la historia , me hubiera gustado que Aries ( Harry ) tuviera una larga vida feliz ) con todo la familia , no me gusto el final , morir y desaperecer :(
envirosue chapter 15 . 11/22/2017
Utterly fascinating. Thank you
dumdoc chapter 13 . 9/17/2017
Ares would know about the graveyard scene; why didn't he remove Daddy's bone in the last 5 years?
dumdoc chapter 12 . 9/17/2017
Law of Succession; if Sirius is alive, HE is Lord Black.
sal1066 chapter 16 . 9/11/2017
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed this story. Thank you for sharing it.
Hikari-Pandora chapter 16 . 8/17/2017
It's up to you, I like it either way, thanks!
Lady Slytherin chapter 16 . 8/15/2017
this is one of the absolutely best stories i've ever read man i love you so much please complete born a potter raised a black as well
js chapter 16 . 8/14/2017
Finding out that you were in grad school disappointed me, I thought this was the writing of a high school student which is the only reason why I forgave the lack of character development, story structure, and cohesiveness well...I suggest you get an experienced beta for any future endeavors. As a grad student I would have expected better writing even w/ the insane amount of workload you do get this level of writing is not very easily excused...Then again I guess it also depends what kind of grad student you were I guess...I just hope you are not an MBA, English, or History grad student because then...well its better not to think about... Another big complaint is that you never truly spoke to the audience and gave proper context behind the relationships, while it may have been clear in your head what those relationships were you never spoke to the audience which is why so many of your readers were confused when Harry ended w/ a guy instead of Jamie... you also never established Aries' status because as we all know you don't pick and choose your sexuality you are who you are and at this point (the beginning of the story) we all assumed harry was from the canon universe or something similar so Harry ending w/ a guy came out of left field. Exposition, Explanation, and setting up your universe in a way it could be understood by your audience is essential to a good story. And despite your lack of experience in the writing field (it shows...) this story has promise, the premise is strong and the characters have definite room to grow...I hope your next story shows your growth as a writer
Kris chapter 16 . 6/24/2017
Very enjoyable.
morecookiesthancream chapter 16 . 5/13/2017
I enjoyed reading this but seriously, this story has no progression or build up for events. Everything just happens and years skip. It goes so fast that a lot of the events seem illogical. There was barely any substance in either the main plot of the subplots. However, there are some scenes that brought some tears. So while you're writing didn't appeal to my rational side, it did appeal to my emotional side. That's what made me finish reading this story.
start12345 chapter 16 . 4/10/2017
It was very meaningful.
CarolaB chapter 8 . 2/6/2017
No matter how I tried, I still cannot find a reason for the terrible cruelty of Harry's parents toward hem. The only reason could have been (but it clearly isn't) that Voldemort is egging them on. "My son is fragile, so I neglect him emotionally"? What nonsense is that? Do they WANT him to go dark?

Also, the difference between "more thAn" and "thEn I said..." seems not to have penetrated your writing skills. It is jarring, every time I see it. And "to reveal" is not "to revel".
Apart from this, I really like your way of writing. It is only, that I cannot stand cruelty from parents to child. It hurts my stomach.

DMPen chapter 9 . 12/12/2016
A little warning for slash will be appreciated for those that don't want to read slash story thank you.
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