Reviews for Princess of the Rogue
HopefulHelpful chapter 1 . 4/24
So the title of this chapter is “Intro, apologies, disclaimer”
Why apologies? I don’t see any... (and what for?)

(I’m just curious)
Espied7 chapter 38 . 2/26/2016
I feel so disenchanted by the ending :(
readingbydawnslight chapter 38 . 8/7/2014
I can't even - you suck. I loved this story.
Ethyrin Kairos chapter 38 . 9/20/2013
Arg, I want to cry and laugh at the same time. Masterful plot, both in it's simplicity and twists that flow into a seamless whole. I hate sad endings, but this is a piece of art. Great job!
Nizhonii chapter 38 . 5/13/2013
Aaaaaand now I'm dead T.T I hope you're happy :( I now have to go through the whole day with that little bit of sunshine tucked into my back pocket. (Little bit of sunshinesarcasm) and even though your ending sucks (semi-serious joking) it takes A LOT to elicit this kind of reaction from me because I'm crying (so good job?)
Guest chapter 38 . 4/12/2013
I love this story but ahhhhhh why why why did Alanna have to die like that why why * runs away screaming and crying her eyes out * so good keep writing :)!
Licorice Tears chapter 1 . 1/22/2013
um, i've noticed you haven't updated anything in over a year? have you left you left ? i did see the message on your profile, but as there has been nothing for again, over a year, i thought i'd ask anyway. sorry if i annoyed you by asking, but i've loved your stories.
Bittersweet Fable chapter 38 . 12/7/2012
I love and hate you right now. Just so you know.
Medeina chapter 38 . 9/14/2012
Was the she wasn't one for goodbyes a ( in the last chapter) the end a reference from when she left for the palace? Was that Alanna or the Mother Goddess? Or somebody else? I'm confused.
Aliit Vodeson chapter 38 . 6/3/2012
Amazing! This story was so well written! It's kind of interesting that you can't really tell if the girl at the end is Alanna or not, but I'm wondering how she did it. Interesting way to fake her death if it is Alanna. Well written.
Aliit Vodeson chapter 30 . 6/3/2012
Actually, it was A/J, A/G, A/L, A/G
chat noire chapter 2 . 10/16/2011
Great first chapter, and an interesting plot, although I really highly doubt Thom would betray Alanna, seeing as she's the only person he loves, besides himself. Also Alanna (and Thom) was 10 when she and Thom were sent off to the covenant and the palace. And we were told that George was 17 when Alanna was about 11. Other than those few mistakes it was a really good first chapter
yay chapter 38 . 4/23/2011
Although the spelling was a little lacking, this was still pretty good.
Astra Lovegood chapter 38 . 4/8/2011
I love it

WarriorKnight chapter 38 . 1/24/2011
That. Was. Amazing! D I loved it. I have read a fic with a similar scenario, but the plots are totally different; this one is great! I am excited to read the sequel, and am even more happy that because of that "Tortallian Epics" community, I have found this story, even if it was written 6 years ago. But I believe that some of the older stories are the best stories, but that's just my humble opinion )

Always keep writing!


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