Reviews for Give it another shot
Guest chapter 3 . 6/19
Guest chapter 2 . 6/19
Guest chapter 1 . 6/19
Guest chapter 6 . 1/29
Guest chapter 10 . 8/4/2019
Good nice
Guest chapter 10 . 3/26/2019
MissIndieHippie chapter 10 . 2/28/2019
No words. B. E. A. U. T. I. F. U. L.
10thDoc chapter 10 . 7/23/2018
Time is more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey whimy stuff
Hithilion chapter 10 . 2/7/2018
Thank you for the Story. Please mark it as completed! Would have nearly missed it...

Chapter 8 was a bit exaggerated and out of the blue but the story is still nice.

Good work.
Bastet96 chapter 10 . 3/15/2017
Loved this story :)
zykelator chapter 10 . 10/12/2016
Well im glad i randomly came across your story. Well written and i didnt lose interest even for a moment. I hope there will be more content coming from you in the future.
ChampionElCid chapter 10 . 9/15/2016
A great third alternative. But as the tropes tell us. You have to earn your happy ending...

To unlock this ending you have to...
1. Have Kate, Frank, and his dog alive. Frank needs to be fine. You can't have shot him.

2. You have to have helped Alyssa on all five days

3. You have to have chosen to kiss Chloe and also not tried to pursue a relationship with Warrem. (Can't accept his date and can't kiss him at the end)

4. You have to have David in good standing with the family. Either you took his side in the argument or you told Joyce to give him a second chance.

5. You have to have killed Alternate reality Chloe

The third choice is always there. If you haven't fulfilled all of the conditions you will try and stop Nathan but he will shoot you, and you will die. The epilogue shows Chloe was so distraught that she ended up killing herself to be with you.

The happy ending will ONLY happen if you took the third choice AND fulfilled all the requirements. You will get shot but live. The epilogue would basically be the last chapter.

What do you think?
Lemontree0212 chapter 10 . 9/10/2016
Great story. The ending was written brilliantly you are an amazing writer and gave these characters the ending they deserve.
Windurin chapter 10 . 8/30/2016
This is a perfect piece of fan-fiction; concise, beautifully written and with a dash of fan service for good measure too. I love how you write Chloe; you have a clear grasp of her character and the characterization - through her thoughts especially - is spot-on, coming off exactly how you would expect Chloe to think if it was her thoughts we were hearing in the game instead of Max's.

Happy endings can come off as cheesy and contrived in the wrong hands, but here it's handled in a realistic and grounded way, to the point that you can't help but share their joy and wish Max and Chloe the best, like they were your own friends. Chloe's struggle with her feelings for Max and her insecurities in wondering whether the feeling is mutual, is not only painfully realistic in a broad sense, but feels inherently personal. You can sense the writer's own thoughts and feelings leaving the pages and when you can actually identify with them as well it's the best kind of writer-reader experience you can hope for.

You should be proud of this story and especially the writing itself, considering English isn't your native language. Grammar errors hardly matter at all when the way you weave the words and convey real emotions is so well done. Don't ever give up writing because you have what it takes to connect with readers and it would be a shame not to be able to read more of your work. Well done!
Swarm of Butterflies chapter 10 . 6/27/2016
I approve of this story! Maybe it's because I'm too young, but I never understood why Max's powers caused the storm and all that other stuff, or why either Chloe dying or the storm destroying the town ended it all. But Max going back in time to that moment and not using her powers at all to end it makes sense. If she never used them, then none of it would happen? I get that. I want to write a Life is Strange story, but I still don't know how to work the storm and everything into it. Because I still don't get it completely. Your story does have lots of little mistakes in the use of words, but if English isn't your main language I think you did a really great job. I'll add this to my favs. :)
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