Reviews for Deus Ex: Revenant
Kimchee2222 chapter 1 . 1/8/2018
Fenris Jin chapter 1 . 12/5/2017
Great story. I really love how you incorporate technology, action and feels in your story.

What can I say, you have again successfully made a happy ending by killing off our beloved protagonists. You're awesome! XD
Trapid chapter 6 . 7/19/2017
I think I just died. That was beautifully written. You seem to have a theme going on with dystopian societies and what not, and dem bruh, I think the genre suits you very very well. I don't know this game or how this story was conceived but dem this was a really good read. Now excuse me while I go and reread this haha! Keep it up! This was so wonderful.
JustAnotherHuman chapter 6 . 1/15/2017
Plus 1 Review. That was a nice ending.
EdgarAllanSnow chapter 6 . 5/26/2016
Oh my god. This story was just amazing. *Sighs* Where do I start?


Having Jack die at the end, only for it to be done on purpose and used as something other than what he knew all his life? Heart-breaking but I loved it. Rapunzel sure is inconsiderate, isn't she? Four months and she was already hounding a fairly-new widow. The twist, although expected, still pained me to read. But what hurt even more was finding out he had seen his own surgical procedure in the hotel. I have to admit, I think the scene that broke me the most was a scene that really shouldn't haveā€”the scene with the young girl. Why? The piece of dialogue where Jack says that the male doll enjoying to wear dresses and bake is not at all weird. It killed me in the best way. I loved how determined Elsa was to fight the terrorists(?) and at first, I thought Elsa would take Jack's place and dispose of the bomb herself rather than go with him. The ending was a hard read, a part of me died with them. This story will definitely be huge favourite of mine. I loved it so much.
Jpbake chapter 6 . 3/22/2016
Well that was heartwarming, emotional and tear jerking.
Seriously, if I wasn't about to have to go to work I would probably be sitting alone in my room crying my fucking eyes out.
You are so awesome I am not even kidding, great bloody job, I actually didn't want this story to end this quickly. Bring on the epilogue
OniNoKo chapter 6 . 3/21/2016
Congratulations! You are now among the very few people who have managed to make me cry. Ever. You should be proud of yourself.

I don't mean to sound overly dramatic or anything, but I'm taking this story on a very personal level because it's really made me reevaluate things in my own life. I read it once and it made me cry, leaving me clingy and needy - husband didn't know what hit him. So, I decided to give myself some time before I review so that I don't end up sounding like a blabbering mess. However, today I read it again and I ended up sobbing. Seriously. I don't think this will change no matter how many times I read it.

I wish I could go into more detail, explaining what I liked and so on - for example that David and Goliath reference and the ironic symbolism - but I won't.

I'm just going to say that overall this was a brilliant story with a terribly sad but incredibly beautiful ending. You have my absolute respect as a writer.

So there you have it - my uncomfortably emotional review.

PS: It's always a pleasure discussing ideas with you, even when you end up teasing me.
heartonfire chapter 6 . 3/20/2016
I think my heart died with them.
That was just so sad and beautiful and perfect...I don't even know what to say. I guess that this story follows the "only the good die young" line to a tee.
Thank you for another beautiful, heart wrenching story, I think that in a weird way, this ending made my day. It's left me almost in tears, but it's beautiful.
Thanks again,
original.reader chapter 6 . 3/20/2016
Masterclass. Don't let anyone say otherwise. You have a beautiful talent that elevates your craft to another level marked with grace and maturity. For the sake of everyone, please don't ever stop writing.
HornedGoddess chapter 6 . 3/20/2016
Dang. That was great! The ending makes me sad. It's one of those things that could last forever and I'd be extremely happy. Sucks that they're going to die. Or died. Was looking forward to them living their lives together. I had the same reaction to the game. It just had to end. Thank you for a fantastic story:)
Nytshayd chapter 6 . 3/19/2016
Is it just me, or do you have a thing for exploding aircrafts and heartbreaking goodbyes ?
Congratulations, Furiyan. You have done the impossible aka written a tragic ending that I'm not screaming in hate about. I have a low tolerance for tragedy but the way you wrote their deaths made me feel that they still got their Happily Ever After. Literally brought me to tears in the middle of the bus. It was beautiful, and amazing, and squeezing-my-chest-so-hard-i-can't-breathe and I think that it's one of the most touching endings I've ever read. Do you get enough thank you's for writing such gorgeous fanfiction ? Cause
Excuse me while I go drink some hot water. My throat hurts.
ColorMeAya chapter 6 . 3/19/2016
Lovely as always. T.T And now I'm crying...
Ghost Angel14 chapter 6 . 3/19/2016
First, Neve, now this.
Your trying to make me feel things aren't ya?!
Guest chapter 5 . 3/19/2016
*runs out of room crying*
HornedGoddess chapter 5 . 3/16/2016
Finally caught up on this. It's fantastic! I've played the game too many times and I can say that you've succeeded in making this story fit perfectly in the world of Deus Ex. Great job.
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