Reviews for The Nope Train And The Truth
Kimmo Pronger chapter 1 . 2/13/2016
Well...this was certainly something. Oh, this fellow you described certainly sounds like a lucky one. Ha, ha, ha. Breaking into Mori's building, too? Pfft!

I'll agree with this fellow that anyone who likes Naoto or how this story is going basically has very low standards. It's why I lost heart to write these days anymore for Blazblue. Every time I think about Rachel, I think about that CG. And it makes me so angry and sick every time.

And you know what? Call this a theory but...I believe when you took the guy against his will, it's supposed to reflect how out-of-nowhere the story of Act 2 is so far with it breaking reality left and right and somehow, we're all supposed to go with it!

Refreshing and always worth reading what comes out. Appreciate your hard work.
Dread Grim Reaper chapter 1 . 2/13/2016
Hahaha.. I know right~