Reviews for A Thousand years
Bia E. Black chapter 10 . 11/20/2018
I’m curious about how you are going to deal with Turf wars, that sounds really intersting. Congrats on the fic by the way :)
Wolf eyes chapter 7 . 4/29/2016
Asami is rescued by life guard korra
Thundercatroar chapter 8 . 4/30/2016
This was just great!

You know, I really doubt many people have missed it, including you, but knowing what we know now, I have always thought it is hilarious that during the ambush press conference where Tarrlock moved Korra into a place where she'd be forced to pick "a side" Tenzin is concerned, Mako looks worried, and Bolin, well, he always looks about ready to lose his shit, but then there's the Sato girl.

She look worried?

No. Everyone else is wigging out, but she has this little smile on her face, just looking so delighted to be in a prime spot to see the Avatar. I can't say it was foreshadowing on Bryke's part, it's simply a pleasant diversion to run back through episodes and pick them apart to speculate where things might have taken a turn for Korrasami, or at least a tantalizing hint.

I say the racetrack was the moment, at least it was the moment where the two found common ground outside of their differences in lifestyle, life experience, and sharkbrows.


you really did a wonderful job describing Korra's glossophobia, and how it'd plagued her on a regular basis for years, and then how Asami's presence and reassuring look could help her if not get over it, at least cope.

I like Roku's theory of friendships transcending lifetimes, and I really don't think that that couldn't apply to lovers either. I believe in reincarnation myself, and I hardly think that this is Korra and Asami's first rodeo.

So, excellent story, I love it when writers delve into subjects like there, I mean drama, intrigue, angst, it's all good, but it's nice to see something decidedly different, and you did it so well.

I don't understand why this doesn't have more reviews, I'm sorry I'm the only one that you have yakking at you on end, because you deserve better.

Thundercatroar chapter 6 . 4/3/2016
Aahahahahaaaa! Oh this is great! How embadorable.

Adorassing, that's better, because Asami felt like one.

I just think it's cute that Korra didn't mind, that she took care of Asami, and didn't make a big honking deal out of it.

Alcohol, it makes an ass of us all, as does love, so I think that Asami will be making herself a fool for Korra very soon. ;D

Loved it!

Thundercatroar chapter 5 . 4/2/2016
Good Lord, where's Naga when you need her? She would have turned those tighty whities ...well..

I sorta' kinda' wonder about Tahno though, he is the confuser...

Anyhoo, hilarious!

Thundercatroar chapter 4 . 2/28/2016
I don't understand why people decide to have children, and then when they grow up, and decide to move forward with their own lives, be it a profession or an affair of the heart...

Supposedly what the parent should want for their offspring, as long as they are happy, and not hurting themselves...

Instead, the parent sometimes disowns the child and or conditionally loves him or her for living in a way that they don't agree with.

If you want a living breathing thing to control, get a dog (doesn't work with a cat), don't dump your shit on your kid.

It makes me sick. The world is not this gigantic thing hanging in space dominating all that we saw in the Apollo pictures, we are just a miniscule tiny little piece of dust in God's ass crack, and we are all we have, there's bigger problems in the world than who likes to put what in their mouths.

I know that's a nasty way to put it, but I am no orator.

This was thought provoking, and quite sad, because this sort of thing happiness every day. I just wish parents and family members with a problem with such as this could accept their child and realize that a child's choices are not a reflection of them, and that as long as their kid is happy and being loved by someone (if it is truly genuine) they should be happy too.

Alternately, if a parent won't see reason, I would hope that the child wouldn't care, and pursue their heart's content. As Rich Nelson sang in "Garden Party" you can't please everyone, you've got to please yourself.

Thundercatroar chapter 3 . 2/22/2016
Yeeehhaaahhhhh! Korra shoulda' done that shit WAYYYYY before now!

And after all the crap Mako pulled, I'd be worried about him moving on for less than a second, but something tells me that besties turned fake girlfriends isn't going to last too awful long...

Wonderful chapter!

Thundercatroar chapter 2 . 2/13/2016
Didn't know about the violets thing. You learn something every day.

Awwwww...I kind of like the idea of the soul mate thing where the name of your match pops up on your wrist like that pop up timer thing they put on turkeys to let you know when they're done. It certainly would cut down on having to go through the dating thing and having to sort through a bunch of people.

People unfortunately tend to write off the emotions of children, and it's a shame because children simply love, they don't need a reason, and certainly don't have ulterior motives, they just give their hearts to those they deem worthy.

I have always held that no matter who you are, if you have earned the love of a child, then you have truly accomplished something great.

Incredible series you've come up with, the only awful thing about it is that there is no more to enjoy, but that is simply my greed speaking.

I love your writing style!

I simply cannot wait for the next chapter! :)

Thundercatroar chapter 1 . 2/13/2016
Aahahahahahaaaa! I pity the poor soul who is wingman for Meelo, it would be a thankless, underpaid task, I can tell you that much. I think he would be best suited for a fire bender, because he or she could void the room of his noxious methane with a flick of the thumb.

It's gotta' be great to be a fire bender at a concert too, because all you have to do is give a thumbs-up and then flame up, think of all the money they save on lighters. Roast marshmallows, hot dog weenies, hold a crock of cheese and make fondue. Don't think you could bake a cake though, there's nowhere to stick a pan, well, you could try, but it wouldn't fit.


This was just sweet, and Korra's fantasy, right in front of Asami?

OH, HELL YEAH! That's some damn good writing right there!

I can imagine Asami waiting years for Korra to finally have enough and say something, and thank goodness she did. I love these teetering on the edge confessions of love between those two, and yours is extremely admirable!

I applaud you, and this! Excellent, EXCELLENT JOB! ;)
