Reviews for With The Special One
psychology nerd chapter 1 . 7/27/2016
Awww this was so cute! Nice job. it's almost August but I've been in a weird fluffy Valentines mood lately so I'm glad I found this.
the alpha phoenix chapter 1 . 2/20/2016
Takeru's reaction makes him seem rather insecure, which does make sense. After all, he's seen his own parent's marriage fall apart because the two of them never had the time for each other. Given how much Takeru loves Hikari, of course he'd be worried and upset when she avoids him for several days like she had been doing. At least everything was sorted between them in the end. Good work.
George1990 chapter 1 . 2/17/2016
It is really cute though I think tk would never be angry or mad with kari no matter what. BTW, in your previous story you said you did not want to spoil their children's name, I wander why
ConfusedMadGeek chapter 1 . 2/13/2016
As I expected Great story as always from you. I'm down with possessive Takeru, surprised that Hikari didn't put that condom hat looking thing that Takeru was wearing on the chocolate but I think it would be more weird than cute. (For a second I thought you were going to make us cry at the end, heartless ;P)