Reviews for Almost Beyond
dustinpuffer chapter 65 . 4/6
I got like 5 paragraphs into this and it look like you are setting up for Sylvana to die here. I know Im a few years too late but by the god I will hate you so much.

Still cant thank you enough, she was one of my favourite and the Forsaken as well, Blizz be done them dirty
dustinpuffer chapter 35 . 4/5

So I broke my promise to myself, I got through the final half of Fall and Rebirth in like 4 or 5 hours.

I have to say, I'm getting weary as I got to the Deathwing part of the story, you has managed to perfectly convey Faith's feeling across. Also the change in story telling perspective was a bit jarring and difficult to spot. I didn't realized it until I already got to chapter 8 or 9 I think. So it was really awesome.

But if I may, can I convey how much I hate what happened in chapter 32 and 33, Faith was so good with all of the factions.
ThatFlyingEagle chapter 15 . 4/3
No! No, no, no! No go back! Why is it that everyone, thing, ghost, whomever always tells Faith that she is doing wrong!? Why cant it be crazy bitch Sylvanas' fault! They never even discussed the Cindera and the almost sexytime from part one! Why didnt Syl get in trouble for that shit!?

Still a great story
ThatFlyingEagle chapter 14 . 4/3
I have no idea if you are still active. If you are, then I commend you. Your story is fantastic. Absolutely awesome. Except for one thing...why in the flying fuck is this relationship between Faith and Sylvanas so terrible? Like...the most abusive, toxic, destructive relationship ever. I cannot even begin to describe how much it infuriates me. Sylvanas treats Faith like a fucking possession.

Anyway. Great story. I mean that.

ProminentDawn chapter 68 . 8/28/2019
Finished this one as well. Thanks a lot for the laughs, the exitement, and I have to say, you are topping the leaderboard of my favs right now. Keep the good work up.
Dastin chapter 64 . 6/4/2019
That was intensely magical to read. I could see it happening on so many different levels. It really fits with how players pretty much handle everything in WoW while the NPCs whine at each other.
Lojjjs chapter 68 . 10/26/2018
Love it
GuardianReaper92 chapter 2 . 7/27/2018
Wow ok I wasn’t expecting that.
GuardianReaper92 chapter 1 . 7/27/2018
Wow it got pretty intense there for a minute, good so far.
FanonOverCanon chapter 35 . 6/25/2018
NOOOOOOOOOO! WHYYYYYYYY! Faith was awesome the way she was, she brought the factions together in a way no one else did and had the respect of the dragonflights and the Kirin Tor. Now she's a Forsaken, and no one trusts the Forsaken, especially after Sylvanas showing the whole world that she wouldn't hesitate to raise anyone.
Skyrant chapter 68 . 6/6/2018
Just finished this on the ride home from work today. I didn't have many complaints about the first part of this amazing trilogy, but I must say that this was definitely an improvement over part 1. Old Sylvy got much better at controlling her anger, and Faith got a rein on her tears for the most part.

While I was expecting Faith to be killed and raised at some point in this fic, I didn't expect her to be assassinated, by Garrosh no less! I always hated Garrosh for killing my favorite cow (RIP Cairne, you were loved), you succeeded in making me hate him more! Bravo! XD

It was funny for me to see that you and I seem to share the same disdain for Warlords of Draenor, though I loved a lot of the story and a lot of the characters, the expansion itself was lackluster at best. I LOVED Mists of Pandaria, so I'm happy you delved so far into it. I loved the scenery in Pandaria as well as the Pandaren culture, and I'm always happy to see that sort of thing translated into literature.

I was mildly disappointed in the fact that Deathwing's fall didn't get at least a chapter, but given how complicated the raid itself was, and how long this fic was growing to be, I understand why you gave it the summarized version that you did. Though I was happy to see End Time come into play, Faith having to kill her beloved was a nice twist. I also love Chromie, so that was cool as well.

Overall, another great chapter in the trilogy, I look forward to continuing Faith's story.

On a side note, you're welcome for not mentioning your typos, haha. Being OCD, I notice ALL of the them. But luckily we live in a world where most English-speaking people, despite speaking it their entire fucking lives, don't have a very good grasp of the language. So my brain kind of just automatically fixes typos when I see them.

Much love, Skyrant. 3
DAUNTEDSUPERIER chapter 64 . 2/15/2018
That scene at the end was amazing. I couldn't stop smiling through most of it with the thought of them calmly talking about the siege and the tent nearby just full of the sounds of a bar fight in full swing.
Shalifi chapter 68 . 11/18/2017
Great story. Love the new cinematic. Epic stuff. Especially Sylvanis's scenes.
zubhanwc3 chapter 28 . 10/30/2017
I wish the fight against sylvanis was longer, that's my biggest problem with this chapter as it feels like the fight just rushes by
MorDek chapter 68 . 9/6/2017
Im both very excited and a little saddened for the final part of this trilogy but i cant wait to start it!
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