Reviews for Silver Lining
juju434343 chapter 9 . 7/29/2017
I hate/love you. I am so horribly upset and happy at the same time. Great job putting emotion into your work!
Clueless Human chapter 9 . 7/11/2017
I cried reading this. I normally like the hardcore, action packed fictions, but this one was just so good. I really think this is my most favorite fanfiction ever.
The Fanatic Of Stuff chapter 9 . 6/7/2017
i need more of this
mustafa931 chapter 9 . 7/18/2016
Please write a sequel where Kent discovers a ghoulified Buster and Hannah, reunifying with them at last :) This story was so well written and i dont want it to end this quick. Pleaseeee :)
Xjdji3788 chapter 9 . 7/18/2016
Oh! Now I'm crying and I just wish there was more! .

But seriously, thanks for the amazing read!
WanderingGerbil chapter 9 . 7/17/2016
A lovely conclusion to a heartwarming (and at times, heartbreaking) story. Excellent work!
TheShotgunSailor chapter 9 . 7/16/2016
And the story has finally drawn to a close. It was a lovely read and I can't thank you enough for it! Although I'm still left with a wanting for the Sole Survivor to be like "Hey, I know that girl!" it was more than satisfying enough without it.
WanderingGerbil chapter 8 . 7/10/2016
This chapter was such a heartbreaker! It's been quite awhile since any story made me weep. Well, you certainly succeeded there. Fantastic job!
I completely understand what you mean by following Fallout's lore. I think that's why my largest fanfic is centered in a concurrent timeline to the main story, having all the friends each of us has come to love (Nick, Piper, Dogmeat, and on) dip in and out of the story. I like what you've done here. Very much so. Giving secondary characters a life of their own beyond their small parts in game takes a certain talent. You have it, Luna Peachie. I greatly look forward to the epilogue. Knowing poor Kent got a little bit of comforting remembrance was beautiful to see.
buildingwasonfir chapter 7 . 7/9/2016
I don't usually review fan fictions. But man, something about Kent really got to me when I played the quest line. I don't know if his romanticism and urge to make the world better made him endearing or the fact that I saw a bit of myself in his nervous, nerdy ways. But I wanted to thank you for giving my favorite fo4 character some more fleshing out.
ShotgunSailor chapter 7 . 7/9/2016
Hallelujah a new chapter so soon! It was most definitely very, very good! As to the emotions, I can't say I'm the right person to judge that.
WanderingGerbil chapter 6 . 7/5/2016
So first, I'm sorry to hear that you've had a difficult time as of late. I hope things get better for you soon.
Second, I was thrilled to get the notification that a new chapter had been posted. I think no matter how long it is between updates, it's always a delight when they happen.
And lastly, this chapter was adorable. Kent taking the plunge into life when the end is so near was poignant in a way I didn't expect. I look forward to where his pre-war story ends up.
ShotgunSailor chapter 6 . 7/3/2016
I'm glad to see this story return! But I feel like the voice in the beginning of the chapter is slightly off from the previous chapters. Like you're almost trying to recap? Not a huge issue, just something I noticed.
Paran01dAndr01d chapter 3 . 3/3/2016
I look forward to new chapters like it's new comic book day. :-) I like how you've Incorporated minor characters, like Arlen Glass and Soup Can Harry.
TheShotgunSailor chapter 3 . 3/3/2016
The dreaded return of... SOUP CAN HARRY! Hahaha that was a surprise!
Anyway, this only gets cuter and cuter. It's sad knowing that we're getting closer to the end, but I feel like whatever you have planned for that is going to be perfect. For the meantime, I'm still enjoying reading every new chapter.
I wish I could have some kind of constructive criticism to make, but honestly I just don't. As far as I can see, everything's been checked three times over before release and it definitely shows. :)
Fyras14 chapter 3 . 3/2/2016
Aw...this is adorable. Kent is adorable. While we know how this ends, I would rather see Kent enjoy his date with his (girl)friend.
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