Reviews for Big Bad Wolf
Israel Pena chapter 2 . 2/20/2016
How would you like to be a staff member of a community?
LadyWulf chapter 1 . 2/19/2016
This was cute and sad at the same time! I love Neo and Roman, I ship them so hard! And watching that episode had me almost in tears, especially when Roman called after Neo as she flew away from the ship! I loved how you explained her current feelings and thoughts in this though. It sounds just like the Neo we see in the anime. She wouldn't mope around, she'd definitely go get revenge. Are you planning on adding anymore? If so, I look forward to reading it! (p.s. I refuse to believe Romans dead, he's just gotta come back in the next season, he and Neo both! I hope anyways . . . )
haloblake101 chapter 1 . 2/18/2016
Not bad. I like how you put Neo in the after effects.