Reviews for Just Something About You (Olicity One Shots)
lili2576 chapter 20 . 2/27
Me encantó! Gracias por compartirlo
nikikins chapter 20 . 2/26
This would make a fantastic story. As it is i really enjoyed it. Furious Felicity is a little tornado. And it sounds like Oliver couldnt resist her in the end. They need more time together to really get to know each other and to learn trust. Friends with benefits is a good start! Loved it!
mjf2468 chapter 12 . 1/30
Reading this again after the SERIES (sob!) finale is especially poignant and bittersweet. Thanks for sharing these.
mjf2468 chapter 19 . 1/30 cute, warm and fuzzy.
NationWide33 chapter 18 . 3/16/2018
I'm dying this was hilarious
SOPPNATION chapter 17 . 2/17/2018
I need more of these beautiful souls!
mjf2468 chapter 12 . 5/4/2017
Yes...unfortunately it will not go like this on the show. But HOW SWEET it is. Thanks for writing and sharing this.
mjf2468 chapter 14 . 5/4/2017
Oh WOW! Sigh...if only this would be how it would go on the show. The way you've written it flows so natural. It makes sense. I could see it happening within canon. Thanks for sharing this with us!
mjf2468 chapter 3 . 5/2/2017
It really makes more sense to have had a law enforcement offcial of some kind to pretend officiate, like you have here, instead of what the show did, going with a civilian who ended up hurt or dead. Oh...I REALLY liked the 'discussion' at the end, and Felicity's hope at the very end. Well done.
absolutefaith chapter 16 . 4/28/2017
For some reason I felt like the doctor's word - when you're ready - had double meaning. But that could just be me having high hopes about them hahaha!

Loved this!
radpineapple chapter 15 . 2/8/2017
Wow! Just wow!

I read this entire story yesterday. I couldn't stop reading! Oh, man! This was so good! Where do I start?

I would like to compliment you on your stellar grammar and spelling. That is always greatly appreciated.

You are extremely insightful! Not only are you able to capture the characters perfectly in their dialogue, but you capture them in their thought processes as well! The way you write makes me understand the characters even more and compliments the show. Those are the qualities that prove this is an excellent fanfic.

You have been able to make me laugh and tear up. You are an outstanding writer. The way you craft words is simply amazing! I have enjoyed reading every chapter of this story and loved exploring your different Olicity AUs.

Keep up the extraordinary work! I can't wait until the next update!
Nika Dixon chapter 14 . 2/7/2017
LOVE THIS. Love. Love. Love. I could picture every moment of this in my head as I was reading it. I am so addicted this ship and you wrote this so perfectly! Thank you for sharing!
lipamo chapter 14 . 1/29/2017
wow these one-shots are wonderful! Pancaker and so many more like this last one made me smiling like crazy! Love the way you draw felicity and oliver. And you write sooo perfectly funny. Purely amazing
Guest chapter 14 . 1/16/2017
This hurts but in a good way by the end. God, I really hate them with other people, my heart! I hope this happens but I'm losing all hope.
magicmum chapter 14 . 1/16/2017
Awesome ! Made me laugh too. It's so in Felicity's character. Thanks you for this
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