Reviews for Subjugation
RandomGeek18 chapter 1 . 3/1/2016
Loved it! Very well done.
invah ayala chapter 1 . 3/1/2016
Grounding his story in imposter syndrome is inspired.
firerosedreamer67 chapter 1 . 2/26/2016
Oh Wow! ...This story has all the elements of a deep story ,full of love and the fight for one soul...I can hardly wait for more! !.
KenRik chapter 1 . 2/26/2016
It would be stupendous if you'd upload a ReyLo everyday. Great job on this! Nice tone to Kylo though the bit where he and Rey got together was glossed over. Not that it was a problem. Love all your works, especially the HP-AU one. This story is more about Kylo's inner turmoil so the little romance was no problem.

Anyway! Please do upload more soon! And if you take requests, just putting it out there, do you mind writing a story on Rey slowly falling in love with her "frenemy" (friend-enemy) Ben Solo who in turn falls in love with another girl. So more on Rey's denial, heartbreak, grief, then acceptance. Like a coming of age story if you will. May be any AU. If you intend to write it, can you also make her strong and resolute in her love? That even though she knows nothing will come of it, she still puts herself out there for Ben, not out of petty girlish lovesickness but because she's loves him so much its unconditional for her.

Haha either way, looking forward to your next works!
MandyQ chapter 1 . 2/26/2016
This. Is. So. Good. The idea was enough to get me to start reading, even though I'm not always into the AU stuff. And the writing was enough to keep me around to the end. This was a wonderful look at how these [very true to form] characters might have lived had some things gone differently in their past. Well done!