Reviews for Alone Together
DemonicS chapter 2 . 3/17/2019
WTF I ship KotoEli now?
J/K, poor Nozomi.
xv22shasokais chapter 2 . 12/24/2016
Beautiful drama with a beautiful conflict, as well as a beautiful resolution.
That ending, tho. Poor Nozomi.
Trchy chapter 1 . 10/8/2016
I'm a NicoMaki fan, but after hearing the mini-drama "Waitresses at the Pool" and "Mitai Shiritai! Mode Check", NicoUmi just started growing in me. This fic just made me see more of what the dynamic would be with them, and they are utterly beautiful! NicoMaki is cute and great as well, but NicoUmi feels like such a loving, mature relationship. Somehow Umi's devotion and caring nature will be very good for Nico who (even if she denies it) wishes for a lot of love and appreciation from others. Umi, in exchange, can learn more about being confident about herself, Nico pushing her to be more out of her shell, because that's what Nico is best at. I also remember that episode in season one of LL! where Honoka and Kotori compared how Nico was acting like Umi when they were kids. When Umi was just too shy to come up to the other kids to ask if she could play/join them. I think that reflects a lot on how, even if Nico and Umi are quite different in all spectrums, they do have enough similarities to connect with each other.

And so, I would like to say how much I really love this fic, and I'm so thankful for you, Author-chan, for writing this, and giving NicoUmi a wonderfully written story. It's hard enought to find FanFics of niche ships in LL! and it's even harder to find them in the quality that you provided us with! Your talent overflows and I hope you keep writing more equally fantastic fics :D
yzyr chapter 2 . 9/3/2016
Is it bad to say that I'm actually hesitating to read part 2? But Im glad I did. I feel really sorry for Maki in part 1 but then she just had to let go of the perfect opportunity. Well she's right, Nico deserves better than her. But can't helped but feel hurt, seeing them hurt. Well at least all ends well. If you ever decided to post one more part, then I'll be there to read it. Take care Author.
ZipaDeeDooDah chapter 2 . 8/7/2016
The first chapter was kinda all over the place but was still a decently fun read. This conclusion went in a different direction than I was expecting and... I really dug it a lot. Also the image of Honoka just clapping like a goof then giving a big thumbs up had me grinning and the ending of Kotori one upping Nozomi was pretty great. Thanks for this great UmiNico story.
geegeevee chapter 2 . 8/7/2016
This was honestly...I don't know, a painful, yet very fruitful ride? I'll be honest with you, I'm a NicoMaki stan but this was written so well that I just really had to finish it. And it was really good. I let out a "Ha, fuck you Nozomi!" by the end of this despite having the all Raibus are love mentality. It was that gripping to me, this whole story. I'm actually really amused that Umi's attraction was merely from Nico's kiss, hot damn Nico you are such a goddamn...satan but you deserve all the love, honestly. Your description of her here is pretty much how I interpreted her in the anime, it was really great. And then...the Maki parts, oh god, my heart was actually, crying for her somehow, not only because muh NicoMaki or whatever, but more on the fact that her own dishonesty just made her lose, it's very...real to me. That and seeing Maki lose opened the floodgates to this weird contradicting sadistic-masochistic empathy towards her. I don't even know what I'm talking about. All I'm saying is that this was a really good read and I'm not sure if this is the end of the story, but if so, I look forward to reading more from you. Thanks!
Lenka chapter 2 . 7/31/2016
Oh, this was well done. Sad for Maki, but great overall. I loved the plot and characterization here. Nice job!
madokakanames chapter 2 . 7/31/2016
-Hmm I think I read this is complete- if it is ignore my assumptions for future chapters and just take my compliments. If it's not, take all of it.

Wow, this is so good.
I love Nico's characterization so much here; such a serious and witty character, and honest but not really? I enjoyed reading her pov a lot.

Nico's relationship with Maki sounds interesting and I hope we don't see much distance between these two, I also hope Maki keeps her promise of fighting for Nico in the future (only because I love drama wtf).

I have a good feeling UmiNico's development is going to be super entertaining, I'm already excited about their start.

I liked all, thank you for the story. So nice.
ClreonRT chapter 2 . 7/30/2016
This is a beautiful piece.
Your story brings out the answer that some of the teens are seeking. Sometimes it's always nice to have a good closure to the relationship one is having, and I could say the same with friendship. Having your feelings conveyed clearly is the best thing there ever is.
So, thank you very much for this story.
fashdashdj chapter 2 . 7/30/2016
Jaja Kotori xd
asdghakshdk chapter 1 . 7/30/2016
Me costó entender el capítulo (porque hablo poco inglés, claro), pero me encantó 3
Guest chapter 1 . 5/25/2016
This was pretty entertaining. Can't wait for the continuation.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/13/2016
Gaaaaaah where is the next part! I need this in my life!
m chapter 1 . 4/20/2016
ggbb chapter 1 . 2/27/2016
oh my god...i love this so much, umi is written so well her personality really shines and your interpretation of maki makes me like her a lot more. i like the little tarot tidbits too! even though death isn't literal death it can still be a really scary card!
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