Reviews for Hard to Kill
Trjz chapter 6 . 4/2
This is an interesting story thanks for writing it
doomqwer chapter 5 . 10/28/2019
Well shit that explains a lot how on hold this is
doomqwer chapter 1 . 10/28/2019
I hope this is not dead
PoofyOhio chapter 6 . 8/6/2019
I’ve gotten lost a few times while reading this.
Ironically Challenged chapter 4 . 1/19/2019
None of this shit makes sense.
Father Chaos chapter 5 . 10/20/2018
Hm, well, to me its been a few days(wouldve been much shorter if i had the time), so hearing that a year happens between chapters is sad for when I finish my binge. I am still indeed interetsed, especially since you did practically nothing to explore this idea at all. You only had the main charecters kinda vaguely develop, while fighting off some bandits. Never shows a canon charecter at all, never fights the empire, or rebellion, or anyone else really. I was hoping this would be a story of them making a faction in these untamed sands, unite the sands against the world, even if by force...

Which would leads them to having to fight the empire for obvious reasons, fight the rebellion becuz theyd want your people and resources and such on their side to fight the empire aggresively, by other clans just cuz they want power, by adventurers with powers or special weapons so they can get a country to themselves, or the resources/wealth for themselves from a newly established country...

So much potential, plz dont ignore
Father Chaos chapter 3 . 10/15/2018
Just realized Im halfway done, and practically nothing has happened. Just alot of flash backs, and you forcing backstory into us. You show us their backstory over time, not dump it on us for a bunch of chapters and make it feel clustered, with nothing of real interest going on outside. Unless they make a faction in the sands, then everyone in the sands will be forgotten, or killed.
Father Chaos chapter 2 . 10/15/2018
All these random flashbacks keep making me confused. They arent placed very well, since their popping up in the middle with no real reason just yet to bring up. Feels a bit rushed, and keep getting confused whos the courier. Why are we seeing from Grays perspective so soon if hes not the main charecter? Barely had any time to familiarize with Guerra, who im assuming is the main charecter and is Courier...
Father Chaos chapter 1 . 10/15/2018
Lol, the intro was a bit clustered and felt a bit much with the weapons, May not remember all those weapons names honestly, but it was pretty funny at the end, and made sense. It was clustered, but not annoyingly so yet. 6/10 start so far, not bad honestly for what felt more like an info dump prologue.
holyscythe chapter 6 . 7/28/2018
well this chapter is interesting that they will train them i was not expecting that.
when can i read the next chapter im curios i really like this story and i want to see more carange that they will unleash on to the world.
from an old fan.
have a nice day.
Guest chapter 6 . 7/28/2018
The consumer is right as long as the provider has quality. The consumer has the right to leave or stay, but the quality of the producer is what hooks and keeps them.
Kasierreich chapter 6 . 7/28/2018
In for the long con or something like that. It seems that more 'couriers' of that old dead god mentioned will be born if I am thinking that that being is in existence and not something bought in by terrifying presence.
dexter ghost chapter 5 . 7/1/2018
good luck hope your life get better and looking forward to the next chapter. Thank you
Someguy the anon chapter 5 . 6/29/2018
I'm sorry to hear that life is rough, I hope your life gets better soon
UndeadLord22 chapter 5 . 6/28/2018
God damn life's been hard on you, fuck. Really don't wanna dwell much in the past, and your bro died...

All I could say about that is I wish for you to be safe on this fucking life trip. Sht has been happening, not just to you, but to all. N from what I have read in this, you've been a very strong willed person. Do not give up on what your going, and don't let any shit bring you down.

Come, get the fuck up, and just like you said: "Let's do this!"
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