Reviews for Magical
Mewsea chapter 1 . 3/5/2016
Aww, now this was cute. I never thought of it before, but I like the idea of Lutz and Witchie getting together as friends. In fact, if you've made it to the second year yet... Well, never mind, it's probably best that I don't spoil anything for you, in case you haven't gotten that far yet, ha ha...

And I'm with you: I originally thought Lutz was going to be a bit of a brat, but he's actually pretty cute and sweet.

Anyway, great story! I really liked all the details. I hope you'll write more for the community!
Accidentally The Whole Fanfic chapter 1 . 3/5/2016
Well, this was a nice change of pace! A cute, amusing little story about the kids from Story of Seasons - you don't see very much at all nowadays for the characters who aren't bachelors or bachelorettes, so this was kind of a treat. Especially since Lutz, Melanie, and Witchie are all pretty easy to like. (And I agree, Lutz is surprisingly kind. Hell, even Margot's not so bad once you really get to know her.)

I did see the few spots that needed editing, much like you mentioned, but nothing really pulled me out - the atmosphere was pretty mystical and pleasant, with a little spookiness at the beginning, and the interactions worked well. I could see the scenes and hear the conversations playing out in my head like a little movie. And there was something kind of sweet and nostalgic about Lutz and Melanie's conversation regarding the fireflies. The ending kinda made me wanna watch The Princess and the Frog, actually, with the fireflies following them around.

So, thanks for writing this! The HM section could use something like this every now and then.