Reviews for Reckless Thrills
Lilly Robinson chapter 1 . 5/23/2018
OMG I love this so much! I can’t wait for the next chapter! I want to know where he was during that week.
MollyCasey chapter 3 . 8/29/2017
This was an awesome chapter. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
Entangler chapter 3 . 11/4/2016
Wow, Ace is such a smart-ass! And full of himself! But just when you’re thinking, “how could she bare to be around him, and worse, marry him?” you see that no matter how much of an ass he is, he's there for her when she needs him. Even if she doesn't admit that she wants him to be. These two are always kinda crazy together, so we couldn't expect much else! It’s interesting to compare how she was back then with how she is in the present. She’s kinda sweet(ish) and honest (yet fiery!) and becomes this tricky, seductress that finds men for Ace to beat up. How does that happen?! I’m excited to find out!
Izout chapter 3 . 11/4/2016
I thought this chapter was fine, getting a little backstory as to how these two got interwine. Also nice cameo from Denny.
Hollie chapter 2 . 9/15/2016
Oh my gosh, this is amazing! The characterization is on point and it's such an interesting concept Ace being married. LOVE IT!
FirstCome-FirstStaked chapter 2 . 8/24/2016
Again, amazing job. I love this so much!
starryeyedwr1ter chapter 2 . 8/10/2016
I like this. This seems like the kind of messed up relationship Ace would have.

I enjoyed a few of the smaller touches, like Vince not laughing at Ace's joke and Ace wearing his wedding ring around his neck.

Looking forward to seeing where this one goes :)
Hello random chapter 2 . 7/16/2016
Update! You are very creative. Please please please update!
Entangler chapter 2 . 7/12/2016
I frickin' love this couple. Just the whole love/hate marriage dynamic - it totally works, and you've written it awesomely. I love it how you show how well the girl knows Ace - the way he stands, the fact that he has a secret bar tab but she knows about it - it's a totally believable marriage and you bring everything together perfectly. You do a great job at creating full-rounded characters in such a short space of time.

I did have the first chapter in mind as I was reading, and when she pulled the guy over to the pool table I was thinking, "oh no, here they go again!" lol. But it works as a one-shot or however you like to do it. I like the idea of a series of one-shots, but as long as you tell us... 'cos I still wanna know... where WAS he?

Oh, and also, it's good how you give little hints about what's going on, but you don't give too much away - that's what grows my intrigue and pulls me down the page :)

Definitely keen to read more :D Great job!
FirstCome-FirstStaked chapter 1 . 3/8/2016
Fucking brilliant dude! I loved it!
Entangler chapter 1 . 3/5/2016
Frickin' love your bad-ass ideas in these stories of yours. You get down and gritty - it's fun, huh? And it brings out the best in Ace, heheh. And I love the way you write with mostly action and dialogue to tell the story. Minimal narrative makes it better, I think, especially in a one-shot. What a twisted pair you have here. I wonder what else these two get up to in their spare time...