Reviews for Harry Sanchez and the Magic McGuffin
Omegamorph chapter 13 . 7/26
now as far as your feelings on JK Rowling go, I feel it's best to not let the sins of a story's creator affect your enjoyment of that story and to disassociate from any drama going on in real life. I've learned that much with various fandoms I've been in.
Shodaime Gahokage chapter 13 . 7/11
Be carefull if you are going with a sex change the process is draining physicly and mentaly. It's a big commitment. You give up on reproduction plus you have to take hormonal suplements for the rest of your life. In exchange you MIGHT start to feel like yourself.

if you are going the Travlo way it's a collection of resource to get your look right. if you want to go catfish there are suits for that. For example a breast vest goes 2~3K$

If it's only gender neutrality. Good luck and best wishes.
jh831 chapter 13 . 7/9
Upload error
Charmed Forever Fan chapter 13 . 7/8
if you could please rewrite this the entire message didn't come through would greatly appreciate it?
xmanadvenger chapter 13 . 7/7
The story chapter is showing formatting text with the writing
forthose8675309 chapter 13 . 7/6
Im sorry for the trials you are undergoing. Take care of yourself. You come first. This might not mean much, but I support you in whatever you identify as
Omegamorph chapter 12 . 7/6
No rush on getting anything further, but I can imagine Rick having some device than traps Voldemorts spirit in it, having the Dark Lord completely at his mercy, maybe to the point he hates him as much as Harry.
doubledamn chapter 13 . 7/6
Ummmm...Eleanor? Have you read this after you posted it? I think there might be an editing issue...

As for the writer's block, can't help you. Maybe try making a DnD character and working the backstory through the limits of creation process? Unbridled free reign usually leads to Option Paralysis, at least in my experience.

With the gender stuff, whatever you do, don't rush into labelling yourself any one thing, or even worrying about what gender identity, if any, you should call yourself. I know that labelling and categorising can be comforting, make stuff seem neat and organised, but that doesn't always work in life situations. Take your time and figure out what makes YOU happy, what YOU are comfortable with.

Good luck, with your personal life and the world in general right now.
Summer chapter 13 . 7/6
You need tu upload this again.
AceHawkeye chapter 13 . 7/6
Be what you feel most comfortable as, wether that's a transgender male, female, or non binary. Take your time to figure yourself out first, no need to worry. And jk created the cannon world. We control what we create with that base, and let's be honest a lot if people have done a better job at telling the story while not being a horrible person.
Necromancy94 chapter 13 . 7/6
If you want my advice don’t give a fuck what other people think Rowling is entitled to her own opinion if you don’t like her opinion don’t listen to it ,you have to except that other people have their own opinions on many things and you may agree or disagree but that’s life
willam and jack and jake chapter 12 . 3/7
nice can't wait to read more
willam and jack and jake chapter 11 . 3/7
Is she going to say "You Son Of A Bitch Im In" lol
willam and jack and jake chapter 10 . 3/7
lol very cool lol
willam and jack and jake chapter 9 . 3/7
McGongall is going to kill Dumbledore lol
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