Reviews for I Am Taking You Back Right Now
Wr3n chapter 1 . 7/27/2016
At first, I was slightly put-off by how calculating this Shepard seemed to be, but I was also taken - lured in - with your writing style, so I knew that I just had to continue to follow the lovely, natural, cadences of it to its finish. And... I'm glad I did, because lo' and behold there was such warmth and tenderness to be found between the characters during - and after - their lovemaking, which made for a very heart-satisfying end, to me.

Solid writing - it was as if not one word was wasted - and, it must have made for one hell of a little gift! Thank you for the enjoyable read. :)
robb1068 chapter 1 . 3/8/2016
I've always been a fan of Blackdeer7's Lakota Shepard character. I appreciate the small tweaks to the canon story that have followed her story in Mass Effect to give Lakota more depth (I think my favorite was the storyline that featured a dancing Lakota... dancing to seduce Liara and doing it well! The author tumbling her nose at the running joke of Shepard can't dance).

So yay sexy times, but more importantly it's the time and place of the sexy times; right after the meeting on Illium and before the Shadow Broker saga. To hell with waiting and to hell with the awkwardness between the two. These two were meant to be together, no need to wait for a DLC to confirm that!
Blackdeer7 chapter 1 . 3/6/2016
This is so awesome! ...and sexy!...and cute! ...and such a wonderful surprise! ...and then sexy all over again!

I love all the subtle, unspoken ways you showed how their bond, even though separated for two years, still resonated between them. Bravo!

PS... Write more smut. ;)