Reviews for What Nature Creates Has Eternity In It
Almoneda chapter 3 . 7/27/2017
I love this so fcking much
sparklinglightsk chapter 3 . 6/13/2017
Wow, reading this story was just so refreshing even though it's the middle of the night lol. I absolutely loved it, thank you! I love the way you described Maya's conflict even though it was getting on my last nerve at some points XD..but that's why it was so great, it was understandable and even relatable once she finally let herself explain it. That combined with Lucas' everlasting patience and willingness to sacrifice for Maya along with Zay's AMAZING sideline analysis and Riley/Farkle's plain adorableness made this story so sweet and fun and once again, just refreshing! It wasn't only about Lucaya love but also the group's incredible friendship. I love, love, loved it. You lit a tiny spark of inspiration for me ma'am, thank you!
Guest chapter 3 . 4/7/2016
Loved it
TheVelvetDusk chapter 3 . 4/7/2016
Oh geez, the angst! Maya is so stubborn, but this is all perfectly in character of course. That doesn’t make it any less infuriating when she’s storming away from Lucas every two seconds and shutting down on everyone, but I can at least agree that you made this as realistic as possible. I LOVED when Zay popped up during the veiled Riley/Farkle conversation with his typical insight – “y’all are talking about yourselves” LOL. He’s the best.

I should have seen the campfire/Texas parallel coming, but somehow you got that into this story without me anticipating it. That was a perfect touch! And Lucas…ugh, poor Lucas. He’s such a treasure. The fact that he genuinely just wanted to know Maya’s real reason for keeping him at arm’s length proves how pure his intentions really are…he may wish that they could have a romantic relationship, but he’s still her friend first and he truly wants to know what’s going on in her head. And then when Maya knew EXACTLY what he would have said if he had chosen to argue with her was so fantastic; he doesn’t need to argue their case because she’s smart enough to know how that conversation would go. First and foremost, Lucas respects Maya enough to let her make her own choices…even if they’re to his detriment. But he’s still a guy even if he’s a gentleman, which was highlighted with the hilariously on-point statement about the lobotomy that would be needed to make him forget her stripping in the tent – that was golden!

The thing I like about the conclusion (aside from how adorably hot it was) is that Lucas does not have to prove his point of view to Maya. She already has everything she needs to make the right decision about their relationship. If he can be that patient and generous with her, then that gives her the space to figure out the answers on her own. And then everything after that was wonderful - I loved how he snatched her back after as soon as she thought about leaving, and even better was their dialogue (I like it. I like it…you love that that I love it… etc) because dawww Lucas is so whipped and he doesn’t even care, and Maya is too in her own (more devious) way. They’re so cute! And the car ride home….I had a good laugh at Lucas’ inability to steer a car while Maya “got handsy.”

THIS WAS SUCH FUN! Thanks for writing!
TheVelvetDusk chapter 2 . 3/29/2016
AHHHHHHH. YES. PERFECTION. Aside from the fact that Maya is acting like an emotional seesaw - which is to be expected, of course - this chapter was fan-freakin-tastic! It's like what fanfiction dreams are made of : one tent, one sleeping bag, and the whole "cuddle for body heat" trope which is undeniably the best setup ever :) And wow... That was one heck of a kiss! Throw in a little angst at the end and the ever-watchful eyes of Zay, and this was just too good to be true. Also, Maya's Woody joke earlier in the chapter is EXACTLY the type of material that I would imagine for the older and sassiest version of her character. I love every moment of their banter here. You're wonderful at capturing both of them! Can't wait for the update!
Lucayagoals4ever chapter 2 . 3/27/2016
ewww love it update plz
bsloths chapter 1 . 3/23/2016
Oh, this is so much fun already! And yay for Zay being so involved. This feels like an episode (in a good way)!
TheVelvetDusk chapter 1 . 3/22/2016
Oh wow, I am definitely excited to see where this is going... and the fact that Maya and Lucas have neighboring tents seems like a promising hint as to what's coming! The two of them were so cute in every scene, but the first section - where Maya comfortably rests all of her dead weight against Lucas' chest while she grumbled about the trip - was certainly the one that had me grinning the hardest. All of it was so good though! And his last statement (after a VERY Lucaya situation - his gallant offer to set up the tent ... which Maya essentially tricked him into doing) about nothing to "shut you out" had me pretty excited about what's in store for them. I'm also very curious for whatever is happening with the other three goofballs, because clearly they're up to something. Can't wait for an update!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/9/2016
Guest chapter 1 . 3/9/2016
I really like where this is going! Keep it up and can't wait for a update (:
lucaya.fart chapter 1 . 3/9/2016
This is amazing story, really.
Riley & Farkle - They are goofy genius.
Hmm it's just me or Lucas have a dirty thinks :D
I love Zay in everywhere story and in everywhere episode, he always make me laugh